Births In Difficult Circumstances

We women are divided into two groups: those who idealize childbirth and those who tremble with fear at the thought of this very important day for anyone’s life. And the truth is that the day of a child’s birth can be both wonderful and complicated, some women unfortunately end up going through difficult births.

On this occasion we want to go through these cases in which the birth of the baby involves a complicated process in which, of course, the mother must face some obstacles.

These complications can occur in any setting, such as in an operating room, on a transport, or at home. If you are pregnant and reading this article, don’t be alarmed. Just take into account that on certain occasions scheduled births or caesarean sections can have complications, but  with the help of professionals you can quickly overcome these difficulties.

What to do in case of difficult births?

What to do in case of difficult births

Nowadays, the human being brags for having absolutely everything under control. We want to plan everything, and that includes the birth of our children.

But what happens if we have to change plans at the last minute and the delivery results in a C-section? Or maybe labor starts sooner than we think and we should put aside a scheduled cesarean.

If the baby has the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck, a cesarean should be performed immediately

We must be aware that these changes can occur and the best thing is to accept and be concerned about seeking the well-being of this child  who is coming into the world.

Let’s not feel bad if our expectations of a natural birth have to be set aside to allow the doctor to opt for a C-section. Let us remember that all that matters is that the baby is born in the best conditions.

Therefore,  let us not be worried if we should use drugs that speed up labor , or if a cesarean is the option recommended by the doctor. Let us be flexible with ourselves and above all, let us not blame ourselves for what is not in our hands, letting life flow normally.

Occurrences that lead to difficult births

difficult births

As we talk about complications, we must include a short list of the most difficult occurrences that can happen to pregnant women around the world.

a long labor

Every woman has a different rhythm when giving birth to a baby. It is not recommended to take as a reference the time it took for the child to be born to a family member or friend. baby is born. When this happens, childbirth can turn into a long, grueling race that exhausts all our reserves of strength.

Medical experience and family support are the strengths of a woman in labor.

The problem with labor that includes many hours is that the mother’s exhaustion doesn’t take long to happen.

Extreme tiredness, together with despair at having the child still inside her, can trigger a phase of discouragement  and physical weakness that must be overcome with the help of the family and medical professionals.

Extension of the expulsive phase

In this case, the baby begins to descend through the birth canal, but  does not advance due to the mother’s exhaustion or a lack of impulse in the child .

For these cases, the doctor will decide if it is pertinent to use “forceps”. It is  a large spoon-like surgical instrument  that wraps around the baby’s head to help him out.

There are many women who fear that this instrument will cause some harm to the baby, so the experience can be traumatic. This injury is possible, but we must rely on the professionalism and skill of our doctor, just like in a normal birth.

In difficult births, bleeding may occur

Some women experience hemorrhages during childbirth or a cesarean, which will undoubtedly negatively affect their physical condition. To resolve an episode of this type, the team of professionals will use surgical methods to stop blood loss and thus stabilize the mother.

Difficult deliveries usually have to resort to emergency cesarean sections 

When the day of birth arrives, but the baby is not seated in the birth canal or it is detected that the umbilical cord is around the neck, a cesarean will be performed  to ensure the health of the unborn child.

Some mothers try to oppose medical advice  because they want to expel the child in a natural way, but under these circumstances – once again – the wisest thing would be to leave this matter to the doctors.

Regardless of the difficult circumstances that may arise and the pain inherent in childbirth, when a woman reaches the final stage of delivery, a supernatural force accompanies her to finally receive her baby in her arms.

At that moment when the baby’s cry is finally heard and the mother can see and caress him, all the difficulties are forgotten.  The wonderful image of true love that emerges is overwhelming, to definitely stay in the maternal heartbeat.

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