Children Who Grow Up Without A Father

As the popular saying goes, “mother only has one”; and its important role in raising children is undeniable. Now what is there to say about the father’s role? Because very little is said about their work in the child’s growth, even though this is fundamental. So what happens if your child grows up without a parent?

Growing up without a father can cause problems in the child’s development, as well as in your


. It is that the father usually gives us codes that serve as compasses capable of defining our paths, not without first regulating our morals, demarcating limits, rules and standards of social behavior.

Furthermore, any father today plays a significant role in his child’s emotional development, as by becoming more involved and participating in the boy’s upbringing and care, he not only encompasses the rational part but also operates as a livelihood.

Find out in this article what the differences are between children who grow up without a father and those who are lucky enough to have a father figure at home. We’ll also tell you what consequences the absence of a parent can have on your child.

Does growing up without a father generate a different upbringing?

From child psychology it has been argued that children who have a father actively involved in their upbringing tend to do better in life than those who did not have the joy of having a father figure in their childhood.

Experts even go further, claiming that children who grow up without a father usually have disorders in adolescence, because they cannot find their identity, have insecurity, loneliness and depression, which can lead to lack of academic success and drug addiction .

However, although these little ones do not have the ability to control their impulses, in other words they cannot self-regulate; the emotional problems generated in children who grow up without a father is not a determining rule of thumb, but they are children with higher risks.

Remember that in today’s society, more and more families are developed without a father figure as many mothers choose to raise their children alone against adverse circumstances, what is known as families.

single parent

, because the marriage comes to an end or the death of the father.

That’s why there are countless children who grow up without a father, and the effects of this regrettable absence on these little ones tends to damage their self-esteem and perspective on life.

The importance of the father figure

The absence of the father figure has consequences on the child’s normal development, such as behavioral problems or inappropriate behavior, such as lack of interest in activities, loss of attention, etc… Furthermore, children who grow up without a father are lonely and show personality problems.

Parents are the mainstay for the healthy growth and development of the little ones, as they become their role models. Furthermore, if family relationships are not kept harmonious and affective, the child cannot appropriate certain paternal characteristics.

Growing up without a father. Does it harm the child?

  • Low self esteem. THE

    self esteem

    it is shaped and strengthened by the child’s experiences from birth, but the love and attention that the parents offer is vitally important since it will form a good image of itself, gain confidence and gain security.

    However, when the child does not have the paternal care and affection, he will feel that he is not important to his father, which will not only generate a deep and painful feeling of emptiness, but also cause a lack of security capable of mortally wounding his self-esteem.

    • Feelings of abandonment. Parents have a direct impact on their children’s well-being, so their absence creates a feeling of abandonment in many children. These children do not have the ability to share with their parents their important events, passions and concerns.

    In addition, these homes generally lack the moral support of both parents and some children tend to blame themselves for the situation.


    or separation from your parents believing they had done something that caused your father’s disappearance in their lives.

    • Deviant behavior. The absence of parents can bring some behavior


      and rebellion. This hypothesis is supported by the Department of Health and Human Services through a study of school-age children.

    This research has shown that children who relate to their parents are less likely to exhibit disjunctive behavior, lie and cheat. On the other hand, children who grow up without a parent are more likely to use drugs, resort to violence and habits of criminal behavior.

    • Growing up without a father can lead to poor academic performance. Children without a father figure are also less likely to perform well academically as a result of the depression they experience because of their personal lives, so they stop worrying about school.

      Another factor that leads to school failure is the absence of the father at home to help the child with the difficulties surrounding the 

      school assignments

      . The US Department of Health and Human Services Analysis argues that these children tend to drop out of school and all kinds of study plans.

      • Social relationships. All the research carried out around this problem affirms that many little ones who grow up without their parents have difficulties in maintaining social relationships because they lack good examples in front of them.

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