Daddy Must Also Be Present At The Birth my

Daddy must also be present at the birth

The father also has his place at the time of childbirth. He can’t give birth, he won’t breastfeed. However, its role at birth is essential.  He is the other half, he is the courage that will support Mom and who will receive with immense happiness that little piece of his heart, that other part of himself that he will take care of all his life.

Even today, the word childbirth evidently refers to a feminine connotation. In fact, in the past, this moment so intense for a mother and her baby was accompanied by other women, some of them midwives and other women so skilled in these practices that they knew what to do, how to react and even how to follow up.

It was customary for the father to stand behind the door, listening, suffering, waiting.  Today, parents have taken a more active role in delivery rooms when conditions facilitate this opportunity. In fact, his presence is an element that the WHO establishes as a fundamental part of a respected birth.

Mom should feel accompanied and have that personal and emotional closeness that will make this moment easier, more magical and unforgettable. In “I’m Mom” we’ll talk about it.

If dad is not giving birth, the mother will feel more stress

of Father

A birth is not a ritual in which the father’s presence must be excluded. Giving birth to a child is a natural act and, therefore, it is essential that the other protagonist is also present in this act of love, pain and emotions. The one who does not give birth, but who also suffers, also feels and is also emotional: the father.

One thing we all know is that not all moms keep a good memory of giving birth. The factors that determine this are often varied:

  • The lack of humanization of the process itself: excessively instrumentalized.
  • Going through a separation from the newborn when he has just arrived in the world through a cesarean.
  • Not being able to go through those moments when breastfeeding or attachment can be stimulated from an early age through the “skin to skin” process.
  • Not remembering many moments because of medications or a complicated birth.
  • Not having the father’s presence at the time of delivery and feeling alone and scared.

Among all these factors that sometimes determine an unpleasant memory of this moment, the most common are feeling the separation from the baby and not having a partner around.

Among these two factors, the absence of the father in the delivery room presupposes an increase in the mother’s sense of stress, something that must be taken into account.

The role of a father during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum

of Father

In some situations, we do not pay enough attention to the important role that a father plays throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. We know that all the attention is on the mother and the baby. But the father also has multiple responsibilities and energies that make this step more intense, simple and wonderful.

Let’s take a closer look.

The role of the father during pregnancy

The partner is the pregnant woman’s daily support. In addition, he is also your accomplice and the person with whom you will make plans, dream and make agreements about the type of birth you want and the method of creation that will be chosen.

  • We cannot forget that emotional stability is essential for the health of the mother and the fetus itself. If the father is that ally who helps the woman deal with stress, who constantly shows affection, support and affection, he will contribute not only to strengthening the couple’s relationship, but also to a happy pregnancy.
  • In turn, it is also recommended that parents participate in childbirth preparation classes. It’s an extraordinary way to get to know the birth process and to learn to be a tremendous help to Mom at this key moment.

of Father

during childbirth

Dads are usually concerned with all the logistics: they organize, transport, have the phone always at hand, and have more than ten arms to be able to carry the bags and help their partner.

In addition, they can also help the mother to face the period of dilation, accompanying her breathing, being an ever-present support and a familiar look that infects everyone with her emotions. He is the one who says that “everything will work out”.

  • The father’s presence in the delivery room, as we said, will help the woman to be less affected by stress and to feel more secure.
  • On the other hand, another responsibility of the dad is to keep mom and baby intimate when they get home .  He will be the one to guide the family so that both can have the necessary peace and privacy.

after delivery

When a mother comes home after giving birth, she needs help in some aspects: emotional, practical, physical and logistical .  The father is by her side every moment, in flesh, skin, mind and heart. He is part of this new life and will be there at all times that Mom needs him most.

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