Eighth Week Of Pregnancy

eighth week of pregnancy

Expectant mothers like to know about the development of their pregnancy and the changes their baby is going through. Next, we’ll describe the process the baby goes through in the eighth week of pregnancy. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that some aspects will depend on each woman and her body.

This week, the baby measures approximately 13 millimeters, that is, it is the size of a grain. For this reason, it is not possible to observe a very visible volume in the mother’s womb. Furthermore, the fetus is still inside the pelvis.

Formation of the fetus during the eighth week of pregnancy

external changes

During the eighth week of pregnancy, the fingers and toes begin to form. However, the fingers begin to form as a unit. That is, it is not possible to distinguish each one. The eyelids of the eyes and the tip of the nose also begin to differentiate.

Internal changes

  • During the eighth week of pregnancy, the breathing tubes and lungs begin to form.
  • The spine tends to straighten while the head remains tilted forward.
  • The nerve cells start growing in size and develop to connect with each other. In this way, primitive neural channels are created.
  • The elbow and knee joints are fully developed. But only with regard to anatomy, as the baby cannot move them yet.

eighth week of pregnancy

How does your body change?

During pregnancy, the body begins to change not only physically but symptomatically as well. This is due to the fact that the woman’s body is destabilized and undergoes transformations due to the excess production of hormones.

In the eighth week of pregnancy, it is possible to notice the belly, although it is still very small. So it’s normal that other people still don’t notice it. Don’t worry, the uterus will soon grow impressively. You may also experience cramps or discomfort in your body, particularly in your lower abdomen, ribs, and legs. This symptom depends on each woman and her pain tolerance, as the degree of discomfort is different for each person.

On the other hand, it is common that from the eighth week of pregnancy, a woman has pain ranging from the buttocks to the feet. This is due to the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure right on the sciatic nerve region. Therefore, causing continuous pain and cramps in this region.


During pregnancy, one of the most important aspects you must control is to maintain an ideal and balanced diet. We are talking about providing the body with the nutrients and food it needs to make up for the energy expended during this period. Also, it is very important to be careful about the medications you may be taking.

  • Nutrients and Foods You Should Consume

There are nutrients that provide the dietary values ​​needed to have a healthy pregnancy. Some of these nutrients are iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, folic acid, vitamin D, fatty acids and omega 3.

Therefore, it is usually recommended to eat certain foods that provide these nutrients to your body during pregnancy. Among them are vegetables, greens, fruits, lean meats, eggs, fish, dried fruits and dairy products.

eighth week of pregnancy

  • Nausea or nausea

Some women experience constant nausea and nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy. This symptom has no specific reason. This type of symptom is due to the different hormonal changes that the pregnant woman’s body goes through.

These signs can vary greatly from one pregnant woman to another. No need to worry if it doesn’t happen to you. Each body reacts differently, in its own way. At the same time, if the first trimester is over and you still have nausea, don’t be scared. This symptom is within the normal range.

There are some techniques you can use to combat this type of symptom. One of the most common and recommended is to eat more often (5 or 6) throughout the day, but in smaller portions, rather than eating a few times in large portions.

  • Medicines

It is extremely important not to take any medication during pregnancy, with the exception of mild painkillers. Ideally, pregnant women should use natural remedies instead of drugs. For example, consuming hot tea or some specific foods that contain ingredients that help fight certain symptoms.

In any case, never be in doubt. If you notice anything unusual about your pregnancy, see your doctor right away. He will know how to advise you in the best way.

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