Family Disintegration: Modalities And Effects On Children

Family Disintegration: Modalities and Effects on Children

The serious effects that the disintegration of a family can have on the most helpless of the family nucleus, that is, children are often little known and underestimated. In this article, we will show the main modalities and consequences of family disintegration.

Currently, family disintegration is a problem that is really in evidence and not given the necessary attention. It’s something that’s been happening since the beginning of our history, but it’s been increasing by leaps and bounds year after year. Despite this, in fact, few people are aware of the serious effects that family disintegration can have on the most defenseless of the nucleus: children.

However, the concept is not yet known in detail by society because, even if you have a general idea, it is still necessary to go deeper into the subject. Family disintegration is when it is established not only that the parents are divorced. But that, living under the same roof, conflict is constantly present, they do not have the same goals and the basic needs of any family are not respected (food, affection, affection and education).

Modalities of family disintegration

In today’s society, the concept of disintegration can have several particularities and, with them, give rise to different versions. Next, we will show certain situations that can happen in the family environment.

family disintegration

This, usually, is a passing feeling that can be resolved with demonstrations of love and dedication on the part of the parents. In this way, the child will be able to continue with his normal life without his mental health being greatly affected.

It is logical that, whatever the reason, the child will suffer at first, as they are afraid and feel insecure about the fact that their parents may separate permanently and that their family will never be united again.

  • A friendly separation with shared custody.  This is not a serious case in most cases because the deal is formalized with the acceptance of both parties. Caused by a strain on the relationship or because it’s not like it used to be. The context of shared custody also appears here, a factor by which the child’s traumas are minimized. In these cases, it is even possible that the child does not feel affected because the parents’ attention towards the child remains the same.
  • Unpleasant separation and custody issues.  The moment one of the members harms the other, in relation to lies or infidelity, and there is a judgment to decide the custody, an undesirable and harmful situation for the child will begin.
  • Divorce with family violence. This, without a doubt, is the most serious situation. The child went through a very dramatic situation with family violence involved. The violence may have been suffered by the mother, the father or even the children. Experiencing this horror for part of life, accompanied by shouting, insults or humiliation seriously affects the child. So much so that she will need psychological help to get over the event and get on with her life.

    When this happens, it is essential to avoid insults, parental alienation and manipulation of children to try to get them to take a stand.  As much harm as our partner has done to us, we should not turn the children against him, much less use them in the divorce process.

    family disintegration

    Effects of family disintegration on children

    The ideal would be to opt for the protection of children above all and try to make this situation affect them as little as possible. It is necessary to try to ensure that the relationship with both parents is normal and that the routine is not changed, essential factors.

    Otherwise, it is likely that the problem of family disintegration affects children in such a way that it causes them almost irreversible damage, which will be reflected in their behaviors, such as child regression, sleep problems, loss of appetite, stress or anxiety, failure school or reproduction of violent actions.

    These behaviors, if not dealt with in time, can persist into adolescence. Period in which, the most common is the appearance of the feeling of hatred towards the parents, especially for the part that the children consider more guilty (even if the guilt doesn’t really exist).

    Family disintegration is a real problem. Things don’t always turn out well for the issues involved in a relationship. But what must be tried, above all, is not to let it affect (or reduce as much as possible) the development of children, since it is a situation that can leave marks for life.

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