Happy Parents, Happy Children: Basic Rule Of Motherhood

The best gift we can give our children is to grow up with happy parents. This will be the basis for them to have a personality capable of enjoying life.
Happy Parents, Happy Children: Basic Rule of Motherhood

What father or mother would not give anything to ensure the well-being and happiness of their children? Every morning since we wake up, we have in mind what will be best for them. We sacrifice ourselves to make them okay.

We spend hours and hours informing ourselves about theories and pedagogical currents and we spend another great part of our time worrying and feeling guilty for not doing our best. What if the answer was simply to be happy parents?

The last generations of fathers and mothers have experienced, and still experience, a parenthood charged with self-demanding. Fortunately, we are increasingly aware of the importance of the creation received and, therefore, we increasingly seek to educate with love and responsibility.

Unfortunately, however, it is the very pressure to be perfect that makes us make the biggest mistake: not enjoying the experience of raising a child.

Happy Parents, Happy Children: Basic Rule of Motherhood

What does it mean to be happy parents?

Affirming that the best we can do for our children is to be happy parents  does not mean that we should be disinterested or act negligently or selfishly. People who try to continue living the same way as before parenthood, who are physically or emotionally absent for their children, may be happy, but they are not acting like parents.

On the other hand, anyone who works hard thinking about the well-being of the little ones and sacrifices his own needs is being a father, but he is certainly not happy.

The secret, therefore, is to be happy parents for being parents. It consists in taking care of both our children and ourselves. It consists in understanding that caring for a child does not ruin our lives, nor should we ruin it by blindly surrendering to its care. It is about finding a balance in which we can feel fulfilled and fulfilled as parents.

Happy parents, happy children: why?

We can invest our time learning theories about infant sleep, healthy eating or alternative pedagogies. Being informed is, without a doubt, a sign of maturity and responsibility that will allow us to educate our children in a more conscious way. But beyond all that,  the basic rule of a happy home is that it is full of laughter and love.

Our mood influences our children’s well-being in many ways. It’s no use following the manuals to the letter if, in the end, we are feeling dissatisfied, sad and frustrated with our lives. The best gift we can give to children is happy parents, and these are the reasons:


It is with parents that children learn attitudes, beliefs and dispositions towards life. Growing up with happy, content, and positive parents will give your child a valuable legacy. This will be the basis for them to have a personality capable of perceiving the pleasant side of life, willing to have fun and enjoy every little event.

On the contrary, having parental role models full of anger, stress, sadness and dissatisfaction will lead the child to experience the same emotions.


On the other hand, our own mood certainly determines how available we are to our children. If we feel full, fulfilled and happy, we can offer more attention, care and quality time of  it if we are in feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and sad.

Happy Parents, Happy Children: Basic Rule of Motherhood


Finally, it is important to remember that if we set aside our lives, our needs and our desires and desires to surrender to parenthood, sooner or later we will feel a frustration that we will directly or indirectly unload on the our children. One way or another,  we are going to convey the idea that we left everything for them, that they were a burden and that they owe us all that sacrifice.

take care to take care of them

In short, remember that your happiness is directly related to your children’s. Keep in mind that you have the right to fulfill yourself as a human being in other areas of your life, that you deserve to take your professional career forward,  share time with friends and enjoy moments to yourself.

Far from being a selfish act, it is an act of love, self-love, and love for children, to which you will be giving a satisfied, available, and guilt-free mother. A mother who will be a model of happiness.

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