Having A Brother Is Like Having A Treasure

The best ally for mischief, adventures, loves, triumphs and failures will always be a brother. Regardless of the circumstances, what makes this union so special?
having a brother is like having a treasure

Children always want to have a friend and ally to play and play with. For them, having a brother is the perfect situation. We will focus on analyzing how the union between the brothers is and why this mutual company is of paramount importance for both.

When the children in the household are only children, they are usually allowed a number of things because they are the center of the family’s attention. This can have its advantages, but  if we ask any child if he wants to have a sibling, he is sure to answer in the affirmative.

The bonds between siblings are quite strong, regardless of age differences. It turns out that, at certain times in their lives, the relationships between them may not be the best, but this will change over time and they will become the best friends.

Twins brothers

The relationship between babies who shared the space in the mother’s womb is a very delicate dividing line, where love and hate go hand in hand. Despite being physically alike, their personalities will be completely different.

Between them there is a very strong bond, even more intense than that of brothers who were born on different dates. The twins are the most faithful accomplices to each other.  They take full advantage of having a brother, as they share their everyday fantasies and adventures with him.

One exchange of glances is often enough to know what your twin is thinking .  They feel each other’s support and protection, even though, inevitably, at times they are far apart.

Competitiveness is a daily situation, but  the support they share to overcome difficulties is really special.  The twins actually feel that having a brother is having a treasure.

brothers and affection

Having a brother with a big age difference

In this case, specifically, we tend to observe a slightly greater distance between siblings at certain times in their lives, since, due to the difference in age, the interests are obviously different.

It may even happen that for one of the brothers the other is a nuisance; this will depend a lot on the personality of each one and also on the family environment.

The older brother will be the role model for the younger one. This one will always see him as an idol who can do things that he, because of his age, would not even dare to dream of doing.

The younger one hopes that in the future he can follow in his older brother’s footsteps and that every thing he does will be applauded by him. For the eldest, his little brother is a treasure to be protected; over time, he assumes that having a sibling entails responsibilities and that if at a certain point his parents are no longer present, he will be responsible for the child’s well-being.

At times it may be that being with your little brother is a bore; however, he will remember that one day he was also a child and will accompany his brother on some adventures, especially to give him protection, after all it is not so bad. A strong alliance will form between them, of admiration, respect and protective instinct.

Having a sibling with little age difference

Having a sibling of similar age is a big plus.  Bonds and complicity are strengthened by sharing games and going through certain stages of life together.

Attending the same school and having to face the obstacles of school life together is a great relief for them and also for the parents; thus, these brothers will be keeping an eye on each other.

With regard to the dynamics of home and parents, it is also very convenient; the economic aspect is what will be favored the most, since certain items can be reused by the other child.

The ideal is even that they use only one room.  This way, the order of things and bedtime will be easier for parents, putting the two in just one space.

brothers embraced

The energy that is spent caring for one child is used to take care of the other as well, thus being less stressful for the parents. For example, in the diaper phase, when learning to use cutlery or brushing teeth, among others.

As they are of similar ages and go through the phases of growth almost at the same time,  one of the brothers will always serve as an example. One will learn something more easily and teach the other, or the other will copy it through constant observation; by looking at how your brother does certain things, the other will learn what to do more quickly.

Definitely,  having a brother will always represent an advantage, despite, of course, the fights that will surely arise between them.  It is a being who lives with us, who was raised in the same home and with whom we will always maintain a strong and lasting bond.

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