Hemorrhoids During Childbirth, Learn More About Them

Hemorrhoids are usually caused during labor, or even some disorders that women go through during pregnancy. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this subject.
Hemorrhoids during childbirth, learn more about them

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the blood vessels located in the rectum or anal canal. It is a very common problem during childbirth, although it also develops during pregnancy.

While pregnancy is taking place,  the veins under the uterus are subject to possible swelling or swelling. In fact, the intense pressure of the uterus on the veins in the anal region often causes hemorrhoids to appear.

In addition to appearing during pregnancy or childbirth, hemorrhoids can also be the result of postpartum constipation, when the body flushes out the extra fluid it needs during pregnancy to start producing breast milk.

Below, we’ll tell you how hemorrhoids can occur during childbirth and the precautions needed to alleviate the pain they cause.

Why can hemorrhoids appear?

During childbirth and  with increased pressure in the anus, hemorrhoids may start to appear. However, other causes are also responsible for this disorder.

In fact, the physical changes that women go through during the months of pregnancy are usually the ones that cause hemorrhoids to develop.

It must be taken into account that, during this period,  the pregnant woman’s uterus begins to grow, while the baby continues to increase in size as well. This process causes a decrease in blood flow.

In turn, these changes cause hemorrhoids to appear due to increased venous pressure in the lower body.

Hemorrhoids can form internally or externally. In this sense, if they form inside the rectum, they are called internal hemorrhoids. Whereas, when they are generated outside the anus, they are called external hemorrhoids.

Also,  bleeding is an important symptom of internal hemorrhoids, which occurs when the veins dilate to the point where they exit through the anus.

Hemorrhoids during childbirth

With regard to  external hemorrhoids, they usually appear on the outside of the skin, in the anus orifice. They usually go away after two weeks.

To stay healthy,  most pregnant women take iron supplements. However, ingesting this mineral in large amounts can cause constipation, which is an important factor in the appearance of hemorrhoids.

How to prevent hemorrhoids during childbirth?

Hemorrhoid disorders are caused by pressure during labor,  but they can also be a consequence of constipation that occurs after childbirth. Here are some suggestions for avoiding them:

1. Ensure good hydration

First, you should drink plenty of water to maintain adequate hydration throughout your gestation period. In fact, the daily dose of water should be 1.5 to 2 liters. This usually helps to smooth the stool and make bowel movements easier.

2. Have a high fiber diet

A diet that contains fiber is the best natural remedy to combat intestinal transit disorders, as it involves consuming large portions of fruits, vegetables and cereals. For example, orange is a good natural laxative for constipation.

3. Have better control of negative emotions

On the other hand, it  ‘s important to control emotional stress and eliminate unnecessary anxiety  you may experience before giving birth. 

Tension has the ability to raise blood pressure. This in turn causes the veins in the anal cavity to be enlarged. The result: irritating hemorrhoids.

exercises during pregnancy

4. Do physical activity frequently

Finally, we must be aware that it is not easy to maintain regular physical activity during pregnancy. However, it is also important to avoid a prolonged session.

You may already know that walking lowers blood pressure and helps blood circulation in the body. Therefore, it is useful for reducing hemorrhoids.

After childbirth,  healing of the hemorrhoidal rash is done with local treatment to reduce inflammation  and a suppository, cream, or local corticosteroids. Regularization of intestinal transit is essential.

Finally, consider hemorrhoids as a sign to improve your lifestyle and take care of your health as a mom-to-be. Therefore, give more importance to diet, hydration and exercise and, in addition, avoid emotional stress and anxiety.

We are sure that this way you will be able to prevent the appearance of this evil!

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