How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby When Traveling

How to Care for a Newborn Baby When Traveling

Traveling with a newborn is not easy, especially when the baby has little time to live. The ideal is to wait until the little one is three months old to travel, as the trip can be a little more comfortable than if you did it a few weeks before. But in addition to knowing some steps for traveling with a newborn, it’s also important to know how to take care of your baby when traveling.

How to Care for a Newborn Baby When Traveling

keep your baby safe

Try to avoid feeding your baby when traveling because the shifting movement can make the baby uncomfortable. Your baby can get motion sickness, and if you’re going to travel by plane, it’s important to know that feeding him during the flight can cause earache.

If you are traveling by car, you should also protect your baby from the sun by putting removable window blinds, those blinds that can be used in any vehicle. If traveling by plane, train or bus, most likely these curtains are already available for the passenger’s well-being.

It is also necessary to have a first aid kit in your bag to treat any discomfort that may come your way. Some essential items are paracetamol for children, medicine for colic, nasal decongestant, toothpaste, etc…

Also make sure that your baby is comfortably seated in a safety seat that is appropriate for his weight, age and properly installed in the car seat. Fasten the seat belts correctly and keep an eye on your baby.

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Find a convenient way to feed your baby

When it comes to feeding babies, breastfeeding is the best option as it doesn’t require any additional equipment and you just need to put your baby comfortably on your lap to breastfeed and be able to feed on your milk. But this is not always possible, and in that case, you should think about how to go about feeding your little one.

If your baby cannot breastfeed for whatever reason, you should feed your little formula milk in the bottle. It’s important to take the prepared formula with you, and if you have a portable bottle warmer, even better. You can also choose to take travel sterilizers with bottle cleaners with you so that you can keep the bottle clean after use.

If your baby already eats solid foods, bring baby food for him and don’t forget to also bring a bib and a container so he can give the food in the best possible way. Baby wipes are also essential to be able to clean up possible stains or vomiting after eating. Water is also an essential item for your baby, in addition to being fed, stay well hydrated if he already eats solid foods.

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make your baby happy

Your baby needs to be well rested on the day of the trip. So, get your little one to get enough sleep the night before. A stroller or baby-comfort will make your trip more comfortable, especially if you’re going out for a while.  Rattles, stuffed animals, gum massagers and other toys will also help keep baby entertained during a long trip. Without the little one getting too tired, the toys will keep him entertained.

A change of scenery can also help keep your baby calm. So try to walk by plane, by train, or make stops if you are traveling by car, so that the little one can take a ride every two hours. Every two hours place your baby on a safe surface and let him move his legs. Hydration is also a very important aspect while traveling.

These are some tips for taking care of your baby when you travel. Also remember that it is very important to take good care of your little one’s personal hygiene. In this sense, take a changing table for babies on the trip that can be placed on any surface and change diapers whenever necessary. Do not allow the baby’s diaper to be soiled for a long time as it can cause problems.

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