I Am The Mother Of A Child With Attention Deficit

That’s right, I am a mother of a disheveled princess with attention deficit and it was the best gift that life has ever given me.
I am a mother of a child with attention deficit

She’s the one who turns the house upside down in two seconds and then shows me her eyes with the brightest look I’ve ever seen. Because she’s intense even in the sparkle in her eyes.

My princess is unique, with exotic tastes such as horses, Egypt, gymnastics, helicopters and princesses… she is different, yes, she is unique.

she was always special

Like all babies who develop this condition, my little one gave clear signs from birth: she was an “irritable” baby. In other words, she cried frequently and it was difficult to calm down, it was difficult to sleep for a long time, she needed a crib protector until she changed to bed because she moved a lot when she slept.

His restless eyes did not stop inspecting everything that happened around him since the day he was born, since that moment.

It was also difficult for her to entertain herself with toys. It was necessary for me to sit by her side to help her stay interested longer. So, we were growing. Her, her father and me.

attention deficit

She is a girl of intense feelings

Attention deficit manifests itself primarily through her impulsiveness. She is impatient and in a hurry, she is even clumsy at times. However, this impulsiveness makes her the most loving person I have ever met. Do not hesitate to give the most spontaneous and sincere hugs, kisses with joy.

She says nice compliments just as they come to mind. It is spontaneous, affectionate and happy. He finds something funny about everything and makes you burst out laughing, even when we’re in places where you can’t even hear a fly.

This impulsiveness also makes her reckless at times (well, almost always). In the same way that she says nice things that go through her head, she also says other things that aren’t very polite. We are working so that she can learn to control this, and she will definitely do it with a little patience and maturity.

Perseverance is the secret to success

If anyone is persevering, it’s her. Experts sometimes identify this characteristic of attention deficit as negative. However, for her it has been the secret of her success.

There is no difficulty in stopping her. She has a life motto. It’s something like “if it’s hard, I try more often”. She is persistent, insistent and determined. I watched her overcome setbacks with admirable steadfastness. I am very proud of my daughter just as she is.

This insistence sometimes irritates me, I confess! She can ask the same question over and over again for the purpose of me saying yes just for the insistence. She often  gets involved in situations that cannot be resolved and it is difficult to move on to another issue.

However, I am sure that despite the difficulty she has in dealing with the situation, I have no doubt that she will be able to face this obstacle. And we will accompany her with the same perseverance that our little one taught us.

attention deficit

It’s an explosion of colors and emotions

It is still difficult to control the intensity of your emotions. When she’s happy, she wants to give heaven. When he’s angry, he becomes your worst enemy within seconds. And when she’s sad, she cries with the biggest and most sincere tears I’ve ever seen in my life.

And it is precisely here that our biggest challenge as parents has been, how to educate emotionally while respecting their essential characteristics. We don’t want her to stop being affectionate, spontaneous and fun. But if she mastered her annoyances a little more, she would surely have a better life.

Because here we are growing with the support of some therapies that helped us form this great treasure that we have in our lives. Growing up with her as parents, sometimes chasing after her, and sometimes by her side.

What if it was different?

If it were different it wouldn’t be so special. His attention deficit along with his social fortitude has been his hallmark. She is the only one playing with the charmingly disheveled princesses with the crooked crown. And her good attitude with the brightest look ever made her the most beautiful among the beautiful.

It’s reckless, yes. But it’s so spontaneous and fun that these little slips are quickly forgotten.

It’s messy, yes, and a lot! But when she tidies up, she does so with such enthusiasm that even when she moves things around while keeping clutter, the room looks great.

She is creative. Just as your body and tongue work fast, so does your mind. Think fast, always have an explanation for everything and an answer. This will lead to success, I have no doubts.

And if it were different, it wouldn’t be my disheveled, talkative, and imaginative princess who fills my days with endless tenderness and funny situations. I love her and wouldn’t trade her for anything!

Don’t let a diagnosis, no matter what it is, determine your child’s future. Believe in him, in his strengths, believe he will succeed. How far it can go, no one can know. But always be there, ready to see him triumph.

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