I Have Everything I Want, I Can’t Ask For Anything Else In Life

We have to admit, sometimes we loose the line of our dream kite too much and let it fly as high as possible, into the stars.
I have everything I want, I can't ask for anything else in life

Most of the time, the most authentic happiness flourishes a little further down, in the garden of a simple life. There, it’s enough to have close by who we love the most: our partner and our children.

Albert Einstein said that there is a force much more powerful than steam, electricity or atomic energy: our will.

It is what encourages us to fight for what is meaningful to us each day, for the little things that deserve to be attended to and taken care of because they bring us true satisfaction.

Taking on the idea of ​​caring for and respecting what we love is essential for a satisfying and happy upbringing.

A mistake that many moms and dads make is always dreaming of the ideal of perfection, which in the long run results in a multitude of frustrations. And what’s worse, sometimes they end up neglecting their real needs.

We don’t need a dream life, an ideal house, for our children to attend the best schools, to have multiple skills as early as possible, to be the best in sport or to be the prettiest…

We also don’t need to be the ideal role model for the perfect family  for others, the kind that takes on any challenge or achieves every goal.

We must assume as soon as possible: there are no perfect families, perfect couples and even less perfect children. There are real people who have very clear real priorities, which are based on a single nutrient: happiness.

My dream is for my son to be who he wants

the happiness

Dreaming is good not only because it’s free, but because it helps us focus on certain goals and strive for them to make them a reality.

However, when you are part of a family and form a good team with your partner,  without a doubt, building common dreams is something very enriching. In these dreams, children tend to be the main protagonists.

Don’t forget that, as a parent, one thing you should never do is plan ahead for your children’s lives. It is unacceptable to impose your own frustrated desires on your children. Let them dream of their future.

It is very important that in this small team that is formed at home, the feeling of freedom always prevails, as we can understand in reading Naomi Aldort’s book Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves (“ Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves , in free translation” ”) .

Freedom must be understood as the principle of personal fulfillment, as an opportunity to develop and continue to grow as people, taking on new dreams and new challenges, being able to feel that we have the support to achieve anything.

And suddenly I realize that I have everything I want

the happiness

And suddenly, almost overnight, you realize you don’t need anything else. The only thing you want is for nothing to change, for time to pass with the same harmony, happiness and balance.

You may not have everything you dreamed of in the past: the best job in the world, time to enjoy your leisure whenever you want, or several figures in your checking account.

However, how important is it all now? Every day you can rest your head on the pillow knowing that your baby grows up happy, healthy and precious.

You can have breakfast every day with your partner while looking at each other with complicity. Words are not necessary to say you are okay.

The harmony between you is enough and you don’t need much more than that. After all, they are the best team in the world.

If life is two days and one is cloudy, I’ll teach my son to dance in the rain

Make no mistake, in your family life there will be good days and bad days. There will be challenges that at first glance will seem unattainable.

Despite all the difficulties, between economic ups and downs and personal crises, it will continue to be the life you love for a very simple reason: it’s inhabited by the people you love the most.

It’s possible that, as your children grow, they will become a little more demanding.

They will want things, demand rights, freedoms, and even compare themselves to their classmates and discover that they may not have the same clothes, toys, or lifestyle as other families.

This will certainly be a pivotal moment. This will be the time when we must teach that the value of happiness is based on simplicity.

Pure happiness, in which true well-being does not lie in the simple fact of accumulating things, having expensive objects, branded clothes or any device with the latest technology.

the happiness

True well-being is based on self-esteem, an afternoon of activities at the park, a trip to the beach with the family, a bike ride with Dad, adopting a pet, making new and good friends, learning to draw with the mother, becoming a safer, freer, more competent person, etc.

It’s worth teaching children that sometimes life isn’t perfect, it’s not all rosy as the stories tell, and even so, it can be wonderful.

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