Insect Phobia In Children

To us adults, insects can seem harmless. However, for children, these animals, some in particular, can cause great fear. These fears can even turn into phobias.
Insect Phobia in Children

Does your child have a very strong and irrational fear of insects? If the answer is yes, it could be a phobia. Although it is not something serious, it is recommended to extinguish this fear as soon as possible. So, in this article, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about insect phobia in children.

First, it is worth making clear that there is a big difference between phobia and fear. Fear is a feeling of aversion and fear of something. All people feel fear at some point in their lives.

And more: it is a necessary mechanism for our survival. Over the thousands of years of human existence, fear has helped humans to be alert to possible threats.

However, a phobia is different. Phobias are characterized by intensity, causing excessive anxiety and, consequently, interfering with the development of a person’s life.

In children, the phobias that can manifest themselves are varied. The most frequent are claustrophobia (fear of staying indoors), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), nyctophobia (fear of the dark or of the night), school phobia, among others.

Insect Phobia Symptoms in Children

In general, what a child with an insect phobia feels when he or she is in the presence of or comes in contact with one of these insects is not very different from what other people with an insect phobia feel. The feelings can be summarized in the following two classifications:

  • Physical symptoms: include difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, tremors, dizziness and vomiting, heavy sweating, and tightness in the chest. In addition to these symptoms, other more specific symptoms may appear in each individual.
  • Emotional symptoms: the person feels paralyzing panic, desire to run away, fear of losing control of themselves, and even fear of dying. It’s a very distressing situation and virtually impossible to control or hide.


    fobia de insetos em crianças

    Causes of Insect Phobia in Children

    A primary reason for the appearance of insect phobia in children is that they have had a traumatic experience. In childhood, perhaps we have all been victims of ant or bee stings, for example. But for some children, these experiences leave stronger marks than for others.

    On the other hand, from the perspective of the little ones, the very characteristics of insects can cause great fear. Think about it: many paws, antennae, stingers, wings, some even have fur. For the little ones who are discovering the outside world, insects are practically miniature monsters!

    Furthermore, although it may seem like an exaggeration, many phobias are transmitted to little ones by their parents. That is, they are adults’ fears that, through reactions, comments and behaviors, were also growing in the children’s minds.

    Likewise, other actors in the children’s life can influence the construction of phobias. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the content that children have access to, both on television and on the internet.

    How To Help Your Child Overcome Insect Phobia

    The main technique for overcoming a fear, and hence a phobia, is to face it. It is certainly not something that should be done abruptly, as it would be an even more traumatizing experience. On the contrary, it must be done as progressively as possible.

    First, we can use photographs and videos to establish initial contact. This will be very helpful for the child to understand the lifestyle and behavior of each insect.

    insect phobia in children

    Second, we can try a live date, but still no contact. Watching is an excellent way to lose excessive fear little by little.

    Then, as long as the child feels ready, you can help them touch the insect. If she doesn’t want to touch with her hand, she can use a stick or a leaf to make that contact. So, with these small actions, we can help children to overcome the phobia of insects.

    Of course, if this is not enough, there is always the possibility of resorting to professional help. Psychologists usually treat simple phobias like this in a few sessions.

    Finally, it is important to highlight three things not to do. Obviously, don’t ignore the situation. The slightest offensive comment about this fear, which the child does not control, can be negative for her self-esteem.

    Also, don’t underestimate the child’s feelings. Likewise, don’t try to argue for her to ‘eliminate’ that fear on her own. On the contrary, assume an understanding attitude and express tranquility with your actions in the presence of these little animals with whom we share the world. In time, children will be able to overcome this fear.

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