Is It Necessary To Wait Two Hours After Eating To Enter The Water?

On vacation, everyone is eager to get in the water, whether it’s the pool or the beach. However, in addition to the adrenaline and the desire to enjoy the season, there are always some precautionary measures that we must take into account before each dive.
Is it necessary to wait two hours after eating to enter the water?

Summer arrives and with it the long-awaited vacation that undoubtedly includes hours of dips in the pool or trips to the beach. These walks bring some frustration at lunchtime, because the question always arises: is it necessary to wait two hours after eating to enter the water?

from myth to reality

Since when we started to use reason, we have certainly heard the phrase “don’t get in the water because you just ate”, countless times, by the responsible adult. This is a fear that affects mothers and grandmothers to this day.

The basis of this concern is that there is a belief that if we dive into water after eating, we could be victims of food congestion. It is considered that this could cause even death.

However, this was not quite what caused several loss of life throughout human history. That’s why we must know in detail what the consequences of a dip are immediately after eating.

the body after a meal

After eating, a large amount of blood flow is transferred to the digestive tract, so that blood decreases in relation to the rest of the body. Definitely, digestion does not stop by entering the water after eating food.

In some cases cramps occur, and they lead to a decrease in control of the body’s limbs. It is for this reason that there were human losses, many of which were caused by thermal shock.


O corpo após uma refeição

What is thermal shock?

Heat shock is a syndrome that occurs due to sudden changes in body temperature. In other words, we are on the beach, with a radiant sun, the skin is warm and, with that temperature in the body, we enter the cold water. At that moment, this reaction occurs due to the thermal difference between the body and the sea.

This change can produce a slowdown in cardiac flow. This in turn lowers blood pressure so that we can become dizzy, faint, vomit, have gastric discomfort, and even lose consciousness, which can result in drowning.

Digestion, whether entering the water or not, will run its course. So, waiting two hours after eating to get into the water, as we’ve been told all our lives, is a myth.

However, what should be avoided at all costs is to expose yourself to the sun for long periods or to practice intense sports and then enter the cold water, since there is a risk of suffering a thermal shock.

Tips to avoid risks

After knowing whether or not it’s necessary to wait to allow us the long-awaited dive after eating on a hot day, we leave here a series of tips to avoid the fun being hampered by lack of knowledge.

After getting rid of the myth of waiting two hours after eating to get into the water, what we should do is:

be cautious

After spending time out of the water, we should avoid sudden changes in temperature. Especially during the summer season, mainly because that’s when the hottest days are registered.

When entering the cold water of swimming pools or beaches, we must do this gradually and ascending. That is, entering the water starting first at the feet and going up to the head.

In addition, we must follow the shower instructions and regulations before entering the pool. This will allow our body to become acclimated as well as prevent a malaise.

Tips to avoid risks

Pay attention to any reaction

We should get out of the water if we start to experience symptoms such as severe chills, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears or difficulty seeing, among others. It is equally necessary to give this indication to our children.

All of these symptoms predate loss of consciousness. In this way, we will be one step ahead of any unforeseen events. As we’ve already remembered, these are symptoms of a heat shock. Avoiding it at all costs should be our goal on water fun days.

If we play sports or wait in the sun while we eat, our skin temperature can rise, for example. Therefore, it is advisable to wait a while in the shade before diving, as you should always avoid a sudden change in temperature.

So, with these valuable tips, all that remains is for us to enjoy the summer vacation and forget to wait two hours after eating to get in the water. There is no time to waste and fun awaits!

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