Menu For The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, physical activity becomes more difficult. At this point, you should adjust your diet to avoid excessive weight gain.
Menu for the third trimester of pregnancy

During the third trimester of pregnancy, the last changes occur in the fetus, which is practically ready for birth. Care must be intensified, also in the food field. Power requirements are highest at this stage.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that, during this period, the mother’s ability to exercise decreases. The weight at this stage can represent discomfort when moving, limiting activity. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the diet to avoid an unwanted increase in adipose tissue.

Essential Nutrients During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

It is not enough to just focus on caloric intake, as there are some micronutrient requirements that also increase. For example, it is still crucial to maximize your protein intake and ensure you get all the essential amino acids.

Pregnant woman enjoying while eating during her third trimester of pregnancy.

Some of them, like leucine, are essential to ensure proper tissue development, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutritioon . Although it is not necessary to implement a supplementation protocol with the nutrient, it is advisable to guarantee its consumption through proteins from animal foods.

On the other hand, it is also important to optimize your iron intake at this time. Due to the increased needs of the fetus, a deficit of this mineral may occur. This can cause anemia, according to research published in The Medical Clinics of North America .

Special attention to folic acid

We have already mentioned the importance of meeting daily folic acid requirements during pregnancy. Lack of this nutrient can cause problems closing the fetal neural tube.

Normally, vitamin supplementation is considered throughout the gestation period. However, it is necessary to ensure that during the third trimester of pregnancy the presence of the micronutrient in the diet itself is also increased. In this way, risks are minimized.

At the same time, care must be taken with the consumption of foods that may present a microbiological risk. Food poisoning at this time can be fatal to the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of raw or unpasteurized products.

Also, pay attention to the types of cheeses you eat if you like that type of product. It is important that the milk used as an ingredient has gone through a pasteurization process to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria inside.

If you have any doubts about the possibility of consuming a certain food, it is better to be safe than sorry and, therefore, not to eat.

Menu for the third trimester of pregnancy

Below, we’ll introduce you to several main meal and snack options for you to alternate during your third trimester of pregnancy. That way you can ensure an optimal supply of nutrients.


  • Oat pancakes with yogurt and walnuts.
  • Toast with guacamole and whole milk.
  • Rice pancakes with banana and peanut butter.


  • Chickpeas with cod.
  • Spanish omelet with salad.
  • Chicken and vegetable paella .
  • Roasted sea bass with sweet potatoes and salad.
  • Roasted chicken thighs with potatoes and cauliflower.

Afternoon snack

  • Pistachio butter sandwich.
  • Yogurt with chopped fruits and oilseeds.
  • Hummus with vegetable crudités.
  • Macedonia with rolled oats. 
    Mulher grávida comendo iogurte com cereais e frutas.


    • Braised chicken with curried vegetables .
    • Complete homemade hamburger without sauces.
    • Quinoa with turkey and vegetables.
    • Grilled hake with baked potatoes and salad.
    • Quinoa salad.

    Prepare healthy menus for the third trimester of pregnancy

    It is important to take care of your diet at all stages of pregnancy. In this way, it will be possible to achieve an optimal development of the baby, in addition to improving the mother’s health. Mistakes in this regard can prove fatal, especially when it comes to inefficiencies in the supply of important micronutrients such as folic acid.

    If you have any questions regarding this matter, we recommend that you consult a nutrition professional. He can teach you how to prepare menus suitable for each moment, taking into account individual characteristics and your particular pace of life. Keep in mind that, as far as possible, it is essential to maintain some degree of physical activity.

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