Modern Parents, Conscious Parents

Modern Parents, Conscious Parents

The role of parents has changed over time. Modern parents are actively involved in the upbringing of children and are very aware of the multiple tasks they carry out in the family environment, which range from taking care of the home to rocking the baby in their arms. Today’s parents know that their presence at home counts for a lot.

In recent years, more and more parents have left the male role only as provider or breeder. They have taken a step further and, at the same time, have built a more fertile, nutritious and enriching bond, based on greater emotional commitment and the well-being of their children.

Today, the number of parents who are more involved and involved in raising children is growing. Many men begin to be emotionally involved from the moment of conception, following and supporting their partner closely and throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

The days of lazy dads are long gone

father who takes care of children

According to studies carried out by the US Census Bureau, the number of parents who stay at home to look after the family’s well-being has doubled in the last decade. This occurs while women gain space in the labor market.

This happens not only in the United States, but in many other countries as well. More and more parents are choosing jobs that have the flexibility to work from home, or they agree with their partner to take a break from their careers, to devote themselves fully to raising their children.

In Europe and Latin American countries, surveys were carried out to assess the change in the way new parents are relating to their children. The trend indicates that men are enjoying the experience of being committed parents.

They are very affectionate and are 100% involved in their children’s education. It was even identified a large percentage of parents who agree to sacrifice their salary or professional development to spend more time with their families.

The change in generations is already happening

Today many parents find that they have a much closer relationship with their children than they had with their parents. In addition, they also feel the need to increase their leave from work to spend more time with their children after giving birth, and are very interested in establishing real work-family reconciliation policies that allow them to spend more time with their family.

modern father

More and more men are becoming aware that jobs and roles do not always (or necessarily) depend on gender.

Women conquered important spaces in the labor market, encouraging men’s participation in household functions, such as household chores and raising children, formerly attributed mainly to mothers.

Little by little we are moving towards a new model of fatherhood. And while most of the housework and child rearing still remains the responsibility of the mother, some progress can certainly already be seen with this model of the modern father, who is also responsible for containing the baby’s emotions.

Co-responsibility and equality are increasingly concrete concepts and not only benefit women but also men. Modern parents are more open to the possibility of enriching their human experience by sharing quality time, creating a much closer bond with their children and family.

The emergence of a new model that displaces the paradigm of the traditional father gives way to a new lineage of fathers: the modern father more committed and active in the education and upbringing of children, who enjoys time with them creating a very special bond.

Modern parents are breaking down stereotypes around them. The creation and care of the little ones does not depend only on the mothers. Today they are striving to be better parents and that includes spending more time indoors, helping to build a home full of values ​​and love.

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