Mommy, Tips For Being A Good Storyteller my

At times, parents will have to be story readers for their children. They will have to become storytellers and put aside the pose of parents to become narrators and characters of the most fabulous and creative stories.
Mom, tips for being a good storyteller

Being a storyteller is a fun and beautiful profession, which recreates the habit of reading, transmits human values ​​to children and gives them the magic key to imagination and dreamy creativity.

It is not an easy task to be a storyteller. So Mom, let’s give you some tips for being a good storyteller below:

How to be a good storyteller

read for fun

Planning afternoons, and especially evenings, to tell stories orally is a distinctive feature of our civilization. Gathering around a campfire or at a drinks table around a storyteller to learn about family anecdotes and the antics of our parents and grandparents is common in many families.

In these meetings, there are two feelings that stand out: the need to socialize and share fun and spontaneously, without great authorities or hierarchies. So it should be a storytelling session. The “read for fun” rule must command the meeting and, in this way, guarantee the success of the initiative.

good selection of stories

Let the children choose the stories to tell. Or if you choose, try to consider their tastes. Always keep in mind stories with a load of emotions that are easy to convey. Include your daughter or son’s favorite in the short story list. If you know the story by heart from how much you’ve read, so much the better because you can focus on the interpretations.


Be empathetic and be flexible

When storytelling, let go of the authority pose. Become a narrator and flow with the story. Leave rigidity or poses aside, and flow with the characters and voice of the narrator.

Storytelling is an opportunity for you to approach your children in a different way, with less formality and more love.

good interpretation

Practice makes perfect. You will be a good storyteller as you practice with your children or in other situations. Good roleplaying is achieved with motivation and rehearsal sessions. A love of reading is crucial to being a good storyteller.

Keep in mind, Mom, that to be a good storyteller you also need technique and a method. Good intonation, respecting punctuation, making transitions between the voices of the narrator and those of the characters, having scenic presence and good diction and oratory are a guarantee of success in this hobby, which can even become a passion and a new profession.


Monitor the activity and be confident in your storytelling gifts . With confidence, you can break the ice, improvise, play games and establish fun interaction with children.

Have the audacity to narrate and generate the emotions you are looking for in your child. How you take on the challenge of being a storyteller will give your child a different view of roles in the family. Thus, he will learn from his mother to be a good interpreter and not be afraid to act. You will convey the confidence you feel by representing.


Benefits of reading children’s stories to children

  • The storytelling activities bring children closer to reading in a fun way, without obligations. This aspect makes the habit of reading more enjoyable.
  • Encourages and nurtures imagination and creativity in our children
  • It gives our children more verbal and body language tools. They will be able to express themselves more easily and assertively
  • It implements human values  by reading fables and stories with characters
  • It’s a time for relaxation and recreation.
  • Develops the ability to listen
  • Inclines the spirit of our children to the arts, beauty, the pleasant and the lovely.

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