Mom’s Kisses Heal “almost” Everything

Mom's kisses heal “almost” everything

A mother’s kisses are the best medicine for tears, for fear in the crib at night, for cramps, for bruises on the knees, or for days of fever and cold. This gesture full of emotional vitamins produces “almost” the same effect as an antibiotic.

Both the affectionate moms and dads, who love to practice the art of kissing, hugging, and positive parenting, in which babies grow up in the arms of their families, that produce many wonderful benefits.

As a curious fact, it is worth mentioning here the studies carried out by Anna Freud (daughter of Sigmund Freud) regarding the psychological and emotional health of children. Her work was pioneering in terms of the importance of the mother figure in the lives of little ones, as a provider of this affection that promotes good health, maturity, happiness and personal safety for children.

Anna Freud defended from an early age the need for children not to be hospitalized for longer than necessary and, if it were an essential case, that they could always count on their mothers’ presence. In this way, the recovery of sick children was faster. It is clear, therefore, that the maternal figure (as well as the paternal figure) does not have a formal and objective curative capacity, but this therapeutic approach, in which positive emotions promote calm, security and well-being to children, favoring an early recovery .

In this “I’m Mom” article we talk about that.

Mom’s kisses, caresses and hugs favor the development of a stronger immune system


Having this figure present early on, able to make us feel safe, protected and loved, contributes to a baby’s brain producing less stress and, therefore, less cortisol in the blood.

Let’s look at an example. Santiago is a 5 month old baby who doesn’t get attention at night when he cries. Since he was born, his parents decided that he should get used to sleeping alone in his crib as soon as possible. Santiago’s parents do not understand that the baby’s cries are caused by fear and by the feeling of feeling alone, abandoned and distant from what he needs most: the mother’s skin .

This little one’s brain will go through stress, fear and anxiety, higher levels of cortisol in the blood. All of this causes Santiago’s immune system to become “a little” weaker in the long run and therefore more sensitive to infections.

In contrast, the baby who receives regular kisses from his mother at an early age or hugs from his father, who is always comforted and has his needs met, will have higher levels of endorphins and oxytocin. The immune system will be strengthened and the bond with your parents will be stronger.


Educate with kisses and laughter to keep the tears away

A kiss is not just a gesture with which the bond is reaffirmed. People offer these simple displays of affection only to those who live in our hearts, those we care about and who have meaning for us. Something as basic as kissing a baby’s cheeks, tummy or hands immediately feels pleasurable. This feeling gradually acquires a positive attribution in the baby’s mind and, almost without knowing it, we initiate it in the language of love.

  • As the baby grows and develops in more intimate contexts such as home, family, day care or school, he will face the first challenges and the first difficulties.
  • Believe it or not, those kisses we offer after every fall or when we pick them up from daycare, welcoming them with a long hug and dozens of kisses is a good way to educate.
  • Because making the child feel loved, by feeling Mom’s kisses on their cheeks, is not spoiling. It is an emotional affection and a way of comforting the little ones, of letting them know that no matter what happens, we will always be with them, helping them, making them laugh and feel safe in every step.

We know very well that a day will come when they will be uncomfortable with our displays of affection. However, remember that it is just lip service. A hidden kiss when you least expect it at the age of 11 or 12 is also a remedy for this teenager.

Because it doesn’t matter that your worries and concerns are a little more complex. Deep down, every teenager and every adult will continue to be a “child” who needs affection. So, don’t hold back: educating with kisses is the best medicine for the heart.

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