My Son Cries Nonstop, What Do I Do?

My son cries nonstop, what do I do?

Parents tend to despair when their child cries nonstop for no apparent reason. However, we must not forget that the only way they have to communicate is through crying and therefore we must not ignore it. But what do we have to do when the child cries nonstop? Carefully read the tips we bring you.

We often try to deduce what is going on with three simple questions: Have you eaten? Are you sleepy? Feel bad? Now, a child is more complex than that and we must consider other situations that can cause a certain emotional state.

It is essential to try to remain calm and convey all your love when he cries.

Our children will always have a good reason to cry. However, neither experts nor parents have the ability to read minds to understand exactly what happens. So we need to activate our sixth sense or intuition in order to reach some conclusion.

Undoubtedly, the key to discovering a possible cause is love and patience. Hearing the cry and not finding something to comfort them is an agonizing moment. So stay calm and listen to what your heart says.

my son cries non-stop

If a child is fine, he doesn’t need to cry. So interpret your crying as the wisest sign of your worries and connect with your emotions. Sometimes we don’t know what the baby has, but your presence will be enough for him to feel comfortable again.

Mom and Dad are an inexhaustible source of love and that’s why they will always be the best company a baby can have. Remember, he was in the belly with Mom’s warmth and had all the basics available without having to ask. Now the task is for the parents.

If you’re not sure what happens to him and you notice something different, don’t hesitate to call your trusted pediatrician and tell him about your concern.

What to do when your child cries nonstop?

If you’ve already covered his basic needs (food, sleep, diaper change and health) and he still doesn’t calm down, you can try these tricks that are very effective:

  • Wrap him in a blanket and cradle him in your lap. There’s nothing better for him than your warmth, hearing your heart beat and feeling right next to your body. Relax and sing a beautiful lullaby.
  • If it’s a little hot, don’t be afraid to let him feel the fresh air as the high temperatures bother babies. Put on light clothes and do not cover it.
  • Put him in another position or change his bed. Sometimes they get tired of being on the same side or feel alone in their crib. Pick him up in your arms, rock him slightly and sleep with him.
  • Pacifiers work in certain cases. Sucking usually calms children down, but not everyone gets used to sleeping with it or sucking their thumbs.
  • Give relaxing massages. Most babies are soothed with a gentle massage because they love physical contact. Don’t worry if you don’t know the exact techniques, just touch it gently and it relaxes.
  • Don’t forget to take care of yourself. The new tasks as a mother are exhausting and although you feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have this treasure, it is normal that you want a space for yourself. Try to sleep well, talk to a friend, and eat healthy. If you’re okay, your baby will feel it too.

son cries nonstop there must be something wrong

Why do babies cry?

At first you will certainly feel a little disoriented because you don’t know the reasons why your baby is crying. This is something you can only learn over time from the countless trials and errors we all make. Gradually, you will discover its signs and will be able to comfort your anguish.

Time will be the best teacher to get to know your baby. Below we’ll show you a list of the 10 most common reasons that make a baby cry nonstop:

  • Hunger
  • dirty diaper
  • need to be in your arms
  • want to sleep
  • Stomach upset (cramps, gas, etc…)
  • Cold or heat
  • something bothers you
  • Dentition
  • Excess or lack of stimulation
  • Do not feel good

Being a parent is not an easy task. You need a good deal of calm and concentration so you can get to know the baby who gave you life. This is a process of growth on both sides and if you make the effort you will find that you have a natural gift to take care of it. Anyway, don’t despair if your child cries nonstop.

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