My Son Is Afraid To Sleep Outside. What To Do?

One of the main reasons your child is afraid to sleep outside is because of the deeply ingrained habits and customs that are so prevalent in your home at bedtime. The secret is to progressively give autonomy, without forcing or forcing it.
My son is afraid to sleep outside.  What to do?

The fear of sleeping outside the home is a very common childhood fear; as well as the fear of the dark and separation from parents, which are also frequent fears. It starts around two years and can last up to six or eight years.

It is a stage in which the child is very attached to his parents and constantly seeks the security that only his parents or close relatives can give him; that’s why he’s afraid to spend the night away from home.

The child is very used to the habits of his environment. She is used to sleeping in her room, with the same routines as usual.

For this reason, when this habit is changed and your child has to sleep somewhere other than home, it may express discontent or sadness. 

When the child is ready to live the adventure of sleeping away from home, he will be able to discover a new way of relating to other children, as he will start to share experiences and games. In addition, and thanks to this, your child can strengthen his self-esteem.

What can you do if your child doesn’t want to sleep outside?

If sleeping outside is to be a fun adventure for your child, you must first  encourage them to express their fears and ask questions, as well as calmly answer them.

You should make sure your child is well informed about the activities that can be done while he is alone and  motivate him so that his desire is greater than his fear of sleeping outside the home. Remember to focus your attention on the activities she enjoys most.

girl with insomnia

Don’t let the child get away from the situation. Stand firm and don’t let her give up on the situation. Be patient, don’t impose yourself; for you will generate even more rejection in your child.

Avoid comforting him by  telling him that he will be fine and thus contributing to the child’s tendency to mistrust your opinion. Don’t tell her exactly what to do. Ask them to have a plan for making new friends and fun activities.

Fear of Sleeping Away: Your Child’s First Night Away and How to Help It

It is advisable that you accompany your child to a friend’s house where he will sleep in order to act as a go-between and help fight fear.

You should offer the child alternatives so that he knows he is not alone. Let her know that if something hurts or she has a problem, she can call you through her friend’s mother, or if you have a cell phone, you can do it yourself.

You have to know that there is no ideal age for a child to start sleeping outside the home. The appropriate age will set itself.

Your child will ask you to go to camp or sleep at a friend’s house, but you can only leave him when he is self-sufficient in his own home. 

For the child to be able to spend the night away from home, you must first reinforce his conditioning, give him security and help him to face his fears in order to overcome them. Only then will she feel safe and prepared to sleep away from home.

boy afraid to sleep alone

What if my child cries?

While he loves the idea, sometimes it doesn’t work. It’s important not to overreact and control your worry; otherwise your child will notice your nervousness and doubts and feel more insecure.

If he doesn’t stop crying, it’s a sign that he’s not ready to face this experience. Every child needs their time to adapt to new situations and, therefore, should avoid experiencing them as something traumatic; otherwise she won’t stop being afraid to sleep outside.

For this reason, it is necessary for your child to progressively separate from you. You have to wait until the child asks to sleep outside, or at least until he doesn’t show much resistance to the idea.

This experience will be beneficial to him, because it will promote his autonomy, social relationships, tolerance, the ability to share his things and to be a companion. Essential values ​​for life and also for the future.

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