My Son Speaks Screaming. What Do I Do?

Are you worried that your child speaks too loudly? Oftentimes, screaming becomes a habitual reaction in children, which can make you lose your temper. In fact, a common question from many mothers is, “What to do if my child is screaming?”
My son speaks screaming.  What do I do?

Is the atmosphere in your home tense because of your child’s screams? Don’t worry, this situation is common in many families. This is because, in the early stages of childhood, screams become a sign of expression. It’s a time when emotions are close to the surface.

However, you are definitely wondering how to act when your child speaks screaming. Can you keep him from screaming? Find out below.

Why do children scream?

To understand this situation and deal with it, you need to know the most frequent causes why children cry.

1. Because they are children

Children are very active. They spend the day having fun with different games, exploring and making a lot of noise.

Speaking out loud and shouting is naturally present in the communication of many little ones; especially when there are several of them together.

Every day they discover something new and often speaking loudly and euphoric is their way of expressing themselves.

2. By imitation of parents or other relatives

Your child may speak screaming because it mimics the type of communication he hears at home. Remember that you educate him by your example in every way.

So if you talk too loudly, the child, by imitation, will too.

mother screaming at her children

3. To draw attention

The child may want to get the attention of those accompanying him at the time and does this through screaming. The little ones need to be listened to.

As expected,  if your child feels he is not heard or feels replaced, he will scream to be noticed.

4. Emotion management

It is possible that your child’s screaming is a response to unpleasant emotions such as frustration, jealousy, and stress. Because of their age, children are less able to manage the energies that give rise to these sensations. So the way to release them is to scream.

5. Stages of childhood

my son speaks screaming

Tantrums usually occur during the period between 2 and 3 years of age. And it’s always a challenge to parental authority.

6. Language disorders

If the child suffers from a language disorder, they may show this by screaming. She does this as an expression of her mood.

7. Hearing Problems

Hearing problems, such as an inflamed eardrum and other conditions, do not allow the child to hear himself speaking. This makes her raise her voice. That’s the only way she can hear what she says.

What can I do if my child speaks screaming?

Once you’ve determined the causes of your little one’s screams, the second step is what you can do to prevent them. Well, the answer is: cultivate patience. Only then will you be able to calm your child.

reduce your voice tone

Strive to be self-critical and examine whether yelling is a common habit in your home. If this is the case, try adjusting your voice tone by speaking on the phone or addressing other family members.

Avoid thinking that a message is more clear and firm if accompanied by shouting.

Don’t get carried away or give in to tantrums

If your child yells at you, do your best not to respond in the same way. In fact, if you lower your voice, your voice will do the same and communication will become more fluid.

However, it is necessary to remain firm and establish rules to avoid giving in to tantrums. For example,  let him know that if he yells, you won’t hear him.

Otherwise, the child will know that through tantrums he will get what he wants.

wait until the child calms down

You cannot reason with your child when he is under the influence of a very intense emotion such  as anger. Empathize and listen to him when he calms down. Let it express itself without interrupting you. Also, you must teach him to listen. One way to do this is to read to him.

Likewise, take him to places where he can witness the silence, which is so necessary at times. In this sense, taking it to the library can be a good teaching resource.

My son speaks screaming. Should I see a speech therapist?

my son speaks screaming

Talk to your child’s teacher to see if he or she also exhibits this tendency in the classroom. If these suspicions are confirmed, do not hesitate to consult a speech therapist. 

This is the right professional to help your child reduce their tone of voice with specialized exercises.

In short, the torment that your child’s screaming talk poses to you may cease to be so if you follow these suggestions. Remember, you are the first role model at home.

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