Positive Discipline For Raising Happy Children

When it comes to creation, few things are more counterproductive than authoritarianism and over-demanding. It is much better to use motivating strategies that strengthen the self-esteem and motivation of children and adolescents.
Positive Discipline for Raising Happy Children

Positive discipline is characterized by the use of norms that guide but do not stifle. This strategy is quite different from the authoritarian early childhood education methods used in recent decades. Next, we’ll look at the importance of raising happy children and what the best method is to get it done.

Nowadays, unfortunately, it is very common to see very demanding parents. Often, they are not aware of the pressure that their children feel with their impositions. In fact, the requirements do not always have concrete foundations.

What you should be looking to do is the exact opposite. Evidently, limits are indispensable because we have to adjust to certain requirements and obligations for the simple fact of living in society.

However, it is important to choose how well to convey. It is at this point that we must apply the strategies of positive discipline, as it allows the child to do their best without feeling overwhelmed.

Consequences of demanding too much from children

Demanding too much is very harmful to the little ones. This only limits your ability to enjoy a wonderful phase full of opportunities. Excessive or wrongly imposed demands can be the cause of some problems. See some of them:

  •  Dependence and inability to make one’s own decisions.
  • Low self esteem.
  • Irritability, anxiety and aggressiveness.
  • Emotional repression.
  • Fear of making mistakes and taking risks.

How to implement positive discipline?

When it comes to encouraging responsibility in our children, we can consider some basics for implementing positive discipline. These are some of them:

1. Establish a routine

As much as many people don’t like it, the truth is that routine helps organize our lives. In this way, our mind and even our entire organism is “programmed” to perform certain functions at specific times.

Positive discipline is a great method for children to learn without harming their self-esteem.

This simple custom allows us to make room in our mind for more important questions. So, instead of the child thinking about what he will find throughout the day, he will already have an idea of ​​the tasks and activities that should be performed.

In addition, it allows her to know her responsibilities in each situation. For example, she will know that after dinner it is time for bed.

2. Spend time

Strengthening the bond between parents and children is critical for many reasons. The first is that the little ones will have a greater emotional balance. As a result, they will have greater motivation, tranquility and perseverance to achieve their goals.

Likewise, the child will see parents as supportive figures, who want the best for him. If, instead of being authoritarian, you explain why certain demands are made, it is possible that she will comply willingly.

To achieve all of this, it is essential to spend quality time with your children. Attitudes such as reading stories before bed, giving support in their activities, playing with them in their free time and being open to dialogue are simple to apply, but fundamental in this process.

3. Recognize your achievements

An important part of positive discipline is congratulating children when they do what they are supposed to do. While it can be said that it is no more than an obligation to fulfill one’s duties, it is also true that everyone likes to be recognized for their effort.

Give the child their deserved recognition and – why not? – a reward. In this way, she will see that her actions are recognized, as well as her abilities.

4. Limit expectations

If there is anything totally opposite to the positive discipline method, it is pretending that the child is better at everything. Likewise, it is also unhealthy to enroll the little one in all the activities you see ahead.

You shouldn’t want your child to be better than other children. In fact, the idea is that he is the best version of himself. So let him do his best, according to his abilities.

Likewise, there is no point in forcing children to do thousands of extracurricular activities. Often, they don’t even like it.

Try to do otherwise. Positive discipline is about improving children’s abilities to do things they are passionate about. The best thing, therefore, is that the child chooses which sport to play, which language to learn or which instrument to play, etc.

Positive discipline achieves better results than authoritarian discipline.

5. Don’t become permissive

Given the above, you might get the idea that parents should be open and permissive. To tell you the truth, that’s not good if it’s extreme either. Children must learn that there are rules and requirements to be followed.

Rules exist in childhood, but they will also exist for the rest of your life. Therefore, the child must understand how to respect from an early age without thinking that their freedom is limited by the rules.

6. Make the child participate

Rather than telling the child to do things “just because,” it is very positive that you offer a choice whenever possible. That way, the demands will seem much nicer and more respectful to her.

For example, instead of a simple “Do your homework”, it is more convenient to say “Do you want to have a snack while you do your homework or would you prefer to take a shower first?” Thus, she will feel motivated to acquire more “independence” and freedom in her decisions.

As you can see, positive discipline is perfectly applicable to daily actions. It is simply a matter of replacing enforcement with persuasion. Of course, this should always be done while maintaining authority and boundaries at home.

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