Quick Beauty Rituals For Busy Moms

Many mothers have little time for themselves. Work, children, home and even routine end up occupying his days. That’s why it’s important to know how to optimize it and make the most of it.
Quick Beauty Rituals for Busy Moms

When a woman becomes a mother, it is very common for her to set aside the time she devoted to herself. But even though it’s hard to find balance, it’s always possible to take care of yourself and do things to feel beautiful and safe. 

With these quick beauty rituals you will have time to take care of the children and your partner, work and feel good.

Invest a few minutes of your day to day to strengthen your self-esteem and give yourself the attention you deserve. An empowered woman is proud of how she sees herself and what she is capable of doing.

The Best Quick Beauty Rituals: Tips You Should Know

Streamline your makeup routine

Elaborate makeup takes a lot of time, unless you are an expert. There are ways to simplify this without eliminating it from your routine. Start by washing your face and applying a moisturizing cream that serves as a foundation.

Then add a touch of blush, a little lip pencil or shine and some eyelash mask. You’ll look very natural and you’ll notice that you’ve taken a few minutes to bring out your features a bit.

Learn to handle your hair

Accepting your hair’s natural shape and texture and learning to care for it will help you optimize your time. If you have curly hair, use creams or oils to give it the shape you want.

Sometimes flat irons and dryers aren’t your best allies . Instead of straightening your hair, highlight your curls, highlight your shape with the most suitable products for this.

keep your hands hydrated

It’s hard for your hands not to get dehydrated or hardened when you use abrasive cleaners. So that they are always smooth, apply petroleum jelly or moisturizing cream before bed.

Then wear gloves for 15 or 20 minutes while the cream absorbs properly.

exfoliate in the bath

There are beauty products that act as shower gel and scrub. If you use one of these elements, you will save time and be sure to keep your skin in good condition.

Cover your white hair with eye shadow.

If you haven’t had time to dye your hair, eye shadows are your last-minute salvation .  Choose the shade that most closely matches your hair color and touch it with a sponge or brush.  It’s a short-lived solution that will be very effective.

Freshen your face with tea bags

If you don’t have time to prepare a mask, prepare some tea, drink and put the cold bags on your face .  Green tea is ideal for refreshing the skin and alleviating irritation caused by acne.

You just need to massage a little and wait for the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to work.

Other quick beauty rituals:

  • Run a clean toothbrush or lip balm makeup brush and  comb your eyebrows in a minute.
  • To make your lashes have more volume, apply baby talcum powder to them  with a cotton pad and then apply your mask.
  • To avoid looking tired [skin in the mornings, sleep with your head slightly elevated at night.
  • Use long-lasting lipstick.  You already know that you will have little time during the day to touch up, so long-lasting makeup is the best option.
  • Plan ahead for the looks you will wear the next day or week.  That way you’ll avoid having to try hundreds of options before leaving the house in the morning. 
  • Weekly apply coconut oil to your hair (only on the ends if your hair is oily).  Leave on overnight and then rinse thoroughly. This oil is a very effective natural conditioner.
  • Choose a haircut that is versatile and easy to handle.
  • Use multifunctional cosmetic products. There are foundations that serve as moisturizing creams or lip pencils that also act as a balm. It’s a practical way to cut down on your beauty routine.

The best trick to bring out who you are is to smile .  You will certainly be very tired at the end of the day, but a smile is the best accessory a woman can wear.

Set aside a few minutes each day to dedicate to your personal care. You’ll notice how the mood will change when you decide to put these quick beauty rituals into practice.

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