Safety Rules For Swimming With Kids

Going to the pool is one of children’s favorite activities. That’s why you must read the safety rules that we’re going to give you so that your children can enjoy it without taking any risks and you can relax.
Safety rules for going to the pool with children

There are many safety rules for going to the pool with children, as accidents can certainly happen, such as falls or, in the worst case, deaths from drowning. Considering these warnings, it is necessary for parents to recognize the types of risks that can arise and learn to resolve them.

Despite this, it is not only parents who should know what the potential dangers can occur, it is also essential that they teach their children how to behave in swimming pools to avoid risks without having to miss the fun.

Safety rules for going to the pool with children

Children, because of their innocence, are often in danger when exposed to reckless acts. When going to swimming pools in public places, at a friend’s house or at home, it is always recommended that a parent or responsible adult be aware of what the children are doing.

This consideration is important as 80% of children who die from drowning are in swimming pools and only 20% in lakes, rivers or the sea.

Certainly, the idea is not to deprive children of the fun of the swimming pools, much less when summer approaches and the body demands a refreshing dip. The objective is that all aspects are guaranteed to have security.

Tips to follow

Safety rules for going to the pool with children vary depending on their age. Undoubtedly, many of the recommendations can be generalized, but others are more specific and are aimed at protecting young children.

Protection for children from 6 months to 5 years

Children aged from six months to five years old need a certain degree of special attention, as they may be more vulnerable to accidents.


Proteção para crianças dos 6 até os 12 anos de idade

One of the first observations is that they must always be supervised and accompanied by an adult, both in and out of the pool. Thus, many parents enroll their children in swimming lessons from an early age. This fact, of course, is very beneficial not only for your safety, but also for your health.

However, even if a child can swim, we should never assume that he can stay in a pool without supervision. Mainly because she is not exempt from having a cramp, feeling exhausted or suffering a fall, for example.

Thereafter, when children are in the pool, the following measures must be implemented:

  • Always wear an inflatable vest or arm float, even if you know how to swim. In fact, this protective instrument must be put on by an adult, who must also verify its proper functioning.
  • The child should enter the water with the help and assistance of an adult, or very slowly using the stairs.
  • It is forbidden for children to run around swimming pools. You should just walk and always wear non-slip shoes.
  • A baby should never be allowed to crawl or walk near a swimming pool. If you have one at home, it should be fenced in and have special protection to prevent children from passing through.

Protection for children between 6 and 12 years old

Again, it is important that children know how to swim to ensure their well-being in the water. If they don’t have this ability, then the same rule applies as younger children: they must wear vests and buoys.


piscina, dicas a serem seguidas

If possible, if the pool structure allows, children should remain in the area with a height difference where they can keep their heads above the water surface when standing. Other recommendations for seniors include:

  • Avoid pirouettes, dives or jumps that could be life-threatening.
  • Do not run around pool edges.
  • Do not enter the water right after eating.
  • Avoid sudden games with friends or colleagues both inside the pool and in its surroundings.

As a final recommendation, we encourage you to learn some basic first aid in case of drowning. In addition, it is also important to alternate between parents to ensure constant monitoring of children and to always apply a good sunscreen to the little ones to avoid skin burns.

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