Signs Of Speech Delay In Children

Developmental cycles in children progress at different rates. For this reason, it is difficult to define what would be a normal rhythm, as it is necessary to respect the development of each child.
Signs of speech delay in children

In this article, look at some age-separated signs of speech delay in children.

Each individual is a different world. Despite this, it is important to have some criteria about developmental patterns to identify whether the child is developing as he should or not.

For example, a 20-month-old child who has never said a word should be taken to the doctor. It is important to identify if the child has a hearing problem or a speech-related problem.

Being aware of this is important to be able to assess the child’s situation and know exactly what is happening so that he can receive adequate help as soon as possible.

It is necessary to know some signs of language delay to be able to identify if the child is having speech difficulties or even to know if he really suffers from any delay.

It is important to be able to detect these signs early so that, with good help, problems are resolved in a timely manner and delays do not occur. Next, find some signs that indicate whether a child has speech delay.

speech delay

Signs of speech delay in preschool children

Here are some of the signs of speech delay you should consider as your child grows. If these or other symptoms appear, talk to your pediatrician immediately.

It is important to take into account the ages of children to know if they are developing well or not.

2 years

Be aware if a two-year-old has difficulty pronouncing words and can only imitate the speech pattern without pronouncing entire sentences.

Furthermore, it is also important to note if she speaks only a few words eventually and cannot convey messages using the language. Or, if the child has difficulty understanding simple instructions.

In more serious cases, it is possible that she does not speak at all or only communicates in single words.

speech delay

3 years

If the three-year-old has trouble communicating with others, he may even be unable to form short sentences resulting in very limited communication.

This lack of language can make her feel very frustrated on many occasions, manifesting itself in tantrums and behavior problems. Pay attention if she can’t explain what she wants or needs.

4 years

At this age, it is worrying if a child does not know how to construct sentences, understand several words or instructions. Furthermore, if she has difficulty using “I” or “you” correctly, it is also a warning sign.

As with 3-year-olds, this lack of effective communication can lead to inappropriate behaviors because they cannot express their needs in words.

5 years

At age five, it is alarming if children do not understand simple commands or are unable to pronounce their own or someone else’s name correctly.

Other signs you should look out for are if your child is still struggling to use past tense correctly or if he doesn’t use the plural when speaking.

It’s also worrying if he’s not able to tell stories or things that happened at school, for example.

If you notice that your child is beginning to have difficulty speaking or is showing signs of delay, do not hesitate to see your pediatrician immediately for an appropriate assessment.

It is important to have a diagnosis as soon as possible so that you can find the help your child needs. Language delay may have no consequences with early speech stimulation.

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