Sleeping More: A Necessity For Mothers

Sleep more. What to talk about it? A luxury or a necessity? What is your opinion? Do you believe that sleeping more can help you to be a better mother?
Sleeping more: a necessity for mothers

Due to the amount of chores and things to do during the day, mothers may find that getting a little more sleep is a great luxury that cannot be allowed. Others may feel it’s a waste of their valuable time.

Why is more sleep beneficial?

Recent research has shown that getting more sleep is essential for good health. Despite our tight schedules and our busy lives as mothers, the truth is, getting enough sleep and rest is vitally important.

What restful sleep achieves in our bodies is to metabolize free radicals and therefore prevent premature aging and even cancer.

On the other hand, when you don’t sleep long enough, your body’s production of leukocytes and the hormone cortisol is limited. Thus, the person is exposed to contracting more infectious diseases and even cardiovascular diseases. 

It’s also possible that people who sleep longer are less obese because, when sleeping, the body secretes a hormone that sends a signal to the brain that the body has eaten enough.

In this way, it remains still and does not give rise to unnecessary desires to calm this need.

In addition, we must also add the state of pleasure and satisfaction produced by a good night’s rest. Not only is our health grateful, but also our family and friends around us.

And the reason for this is that we will enjoy a good mood, which is very beneficial for starting our exhausting daily routine like Mommy.

4 great benefits of sleeping more

  • Prevent obesity
  • Helps prevent gastrointestinal diseases
  • Fight diseases like diabetes
  • Helps you have good health and a good mood

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Why do mothers especially need more sleep?

With the arrival of the first child at home, without a doubt, the mother’s sleep and rest hours are aspects that are drastically affected. Thus, the mother ends up not being able to sleep more hours than necessary or even less than that.

There is no need to talk about  the great work a mother does both inside and outside the home. Of course, this leaves you exhausted and drained physically, mentally and emotionally.

It will be many times during the night that you will wake up to watch, nurse or simply see if your baby is well, giving rise to a constant interruption in his rest.

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Tips to sleep more and better

  1. Say goodbye to cigarettes . In addition to the proven dangers to our children, tobacco impairs rest hours, as many smokers experience withdrawal symptoms at night.
  2. As much as possible avoid tasks that require a lot of mental effort before bed. If we perform tasks of this type, instead of sleeping more, it will have the opposite effect, as it will take longer to relax and, therefore, to fall asleep.
  3. Try to sleep in a dark, quiet environment with a suitable temperature. It has been proven that an appropriate temperature and light provide a good rest.
  4. Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea or alcohol before bed. Alcohol, contrary to popular belief, does not help us to rest, as it contributes to the interruption of sleep during the night.

As we’ve seen in this article, we must give a lot of importance to our sleep. In other words, we shouldn’t see this as something that is out of our reach for being mothers, quite the opposite.

Just as we are aware of the need to take care of ourselves and feed ourselves knowing the benefit it will bring to our bodies, in the same way we must give due importance to our deserved rest.

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