SOS Disobedient Child

We parents are put to the test by our children, especially when it comes to imposing authority in matters of discipline. The upbringing of a naughty child becomes a real challenge for any parent, as they are young, but with a strong and challenging character. 

But what hides behind this character? What is this rebellion due to? What can we do to improve your behavior? As is well known, several factors contribute to the child’s disobeying. Here we explain to you why the child is disobedient and how to correct his behavior accordingly.

How to detect the reasons for disobedience?

In order to detect the reasons why our children are disobedient and rebellious, it is necessary to observe them at every moment, paying special attention to their reactions to understand what causes such a negative attitude towards what is asked of them to comply.

It may happen that the younger ones disobey simply because they are distracted and not listening to what was said. On these occasions, parents should be aware of the situation and differentiate it from what they have when the intention is to ignore us.

Not understanding what is asked, being used to having things resolved for him, or being sure that things will be asked relentlessly before they do, are some reasons our children disobey us.

Why are children disobedient?

  1. The order is confusing. These are requests expressed in an inconvenient way, with some insecurity and little conviction. It is even possible that there are inconsistent rules that allow doing what was prohibited. It may be that the child does not understand the order or that several of them are given in a row, so that there is some confusion.
  2. You asked for something impossible. The request may seem easy for the stage of life we ​​are in as adults, but it probably represents a difficult – if not impossible – task to carry out for the child’s developmental stage.
  3. It’s not the best time. There are times when the little one’s mind can be dispersed or concentrated on other aspects that have nothing to do with our complaint, especially those playful ones dedicated to leisure and leisure.
  4. There is no connection. There are times when there is a good connection with our children, usually in a relaxed environment where it is possible to exchange looks, share beautiful moments, laugh together and feel good together. But there are also intervals after moments of physical or emotional separation when contact is distant and elusive. This is where it is essential to re-establish the connection. To do this, passively approach, engage in your activity, put yourself on your level, and establish eye contact.

naughty mother and daughter

How to act in relation to the child’s rebellion?

“My son doesn’t listen to me”, “He always confronts me”, “I don’t know what to do to make him obey”, are just a few manifestations of the frustration and helplessness experienced by many parents of disobedient children.

What is certain is that the little ones are at a stage that depends less on their parents and begins to develop a stronger sense of identity, when they are also more rebellious. Also, this is when you start controlling your impulses, which takes time and patience.

naughty mother and son

While it is argued that it is better to start educating our children practically from the day of their birth, there is always time to change unwanted attitudes and to develop in them an ability to respect simple rules.

Thus, it is essential not to despair or become discouraged. Don’t lose your cool and be a good example for your child, because children disobey despite loving us. Therefore, we must continue to love them despite their transgressions.

Four Tips for Correcting a Disobedient Child

  • Be understanding. Embrace him and assure him that you understand him, but always staying firm in your decision and not getting angry. Demonstrate that you are actually on your side. The secret is to be loving but secure.
  • Set limits. Children need a set of clear and concrete rules that refer to, for example, different times, places, dealings with other people and objects. Establish them and make sure your child understands what they are. As the little one continues to grow, he will have to adapt them according to his age and maturity.
  • Reinforce good behavior. Instead of focusing solely on your child’s bad behavior, try also to highlight the situations in which he acts appropriately, motivating him to repeat his good behavior. On these occasions, it is recommended to praise and demonstrate joy.
  • Remove privileges. It’s a good strategy for naughty kids. They can take a toy out of them or prohibit an activity they enjoy. The important thing about this measure is that it is applied soon, so that the little one can relate it perfectly to their behavior.

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