Teach Your Child To Develop Emotional Intelligence

Educating our children goes beyond teaching them basic aspects of life, such as the importance of studying, love, understanding, the value of life, respect, among others. Why go further? Because we must teach our child to develop their emotional intelligence.
Teach Your Child To Develop His Emotional Intelligence

It is necessary that, from an early age, we teach our children to define their abilities to perceive, assimilate, understand and control their own emotions. In this way, we will be contributing so that each day your emotional and intellectual growth is more adequate.

We parents have a responsibility to make them learn to channel their emotions, as when they were little they didn’t understand why they feel awkward or behave differently with the people around them.

Scientifically, emotional health and emotional education are a fundamental part of everyone’s education. Your vision of life and your personality in society depend on this factor.

We know the importance of knowing, understanding and controlling emotions in our children’s lives. They are tools that allow them to adapt, communicate and develop in society.

Our child’s emotional intelligence

develop your emotional intelligence

We must not forget that emotion is a faithful companion to stimulation, the engine for achieving goals. For this reason, it is necessary to start with a plan to teach your child to develop emotional intelligence. So, take the opportunity to follow the following tips:

  • Recognize your own emotions. In order to teach it, it is necessary to know your own emotions, as well as learning to identify the emotions that we are all experiencing at home.
  • Timely communication. Try to analyze with him: what is the reason you feel uncomfortable? Do you have reasons to cry, be angry or feel inferior? Communication is transcendent. When we notice an act of rebellion, the most important thing is to communicate with a lot of patience and love to make him understand that perhaps there is no reason for negative behavior.
  • Understanding and love. If, as parents, we have the same attitude as the child, we are failing. The idea is not to punish her, but to show understanding and a lot of love. This will be the best tool to help her to control her emotions and for her to learn to think about the consequences of her actions beforehand.
  • Reframe. It is necessary to teach children to “reframe”. That is, teaching them to think and analyze emotions so that they learn for themselves to identify how they “feel”, as well as learn to detect the emotions of people around them.

Teach Your Child To Develop His Emotional Intelligence

develop your emotional intelligence

Helping children to express their emotions is the only way to be able to communicate well with parents, teachers and other family members.

Explaining about communication with other people, the empathy she should feel for her peers who are friends and having loving gestures and respect for everyone will make her an extraordinary child. The best way to teach it is to start with values.

Depending on the age of our child, we should guide him. If they are very young, methods of explanation are needed to take care of their emotional intelligence more sensitively. If they are at an age where they understand a lot, the explanation may be based on “examples”.

Remember that they watch everything, especially the behavior of the father and mother. So it’s good to act more and talk less. We are the main source of learning for children.

As with all learning, it is a process

In this process, it is necessary to analyze at what point our children mature emotionally, in order to determine if the management of their emotions is in accordance with their age. For example, he had a tantrum outside the house and doesn’t do it anymore because he understood that it wasn’t enough to get what he wanted? So, we can understand that he actually matured emotionally.

However, if for example the child is five years old and still throws a tantrum in public, at home or at school, and sometimes for things that don’t make sense, he still has not channeled his emotions and needs more effort and guidance in this situation.

In the most difficult cases of emotional intelligence management problems, it is very important to seek help from an expert, so that he can guide not only our little ones but the whole family, with the objective of achieving satisfactory results in the short term. In this way, we will have more harmony around us and our child will integrate much better into society.

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