Teach Your Child To Find A True Friend

Teach your child to find a true friend

The company of children is always a topic that worries parents a lot. They say that “bad company corrupts good morals” and this is true. On the other hand, it is also true that “he who walks with wise men will be wise”.

When we talk about sages, we are not talking about smart people. The wisdom is the ability to make decisions based on what was learned during life.

All parents would like to have a “wise” child. For this, it will be very helpful to have wise people alongside, or to put it another way, people who know how to make decisions.

The point is that children still do not know how to distinguish this skill and will undoubtedly value more superficial aspects when choosing a friend. This is the time when parents need to fulfill their important role.

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Discipline is more than a few spankings, or a set of phrases like “don’t do this” or “let go of that”. The discipline is like the stake to which the plant relies to grow straight. You must use this symbolic stake in order for your children to follow the correct path. This includes teaching them to choose good friends.

What is a true friend?

It is a fact that when children are young they choose friends from school or the neighborhood and sometimes, over time, these friendships fall apart. Even so, it is important that from an early age you show children the values ​​they should look for in those who will be their friends. Thus, when they are adults, these children will be surrounded by people who will help them to be better people.

  • A true friend controls your feelings when you make a mistake. People who get angry and show when someone does something they don’t like are not good friends. It doesn’t matter if they’re fun or pretty, showing negative feelings and attitudes in the long run will make those around them feel bad.

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    • A true friend will give good advice. It is important that you teach your children that good friends give good advice and that that advice sometimes may not come from friends who are the same age as they are. Teach your child that there is no age for friendship. Of course, you need to look for friends of the same age to go out or do other things typical of a certain age. But it’s also possible to have older friends who can sometimes become confidants and advisers.
    • A true friend will not insist or force you to do anything you don’t want to. When adolescence arrives, it is accompanied by peer pressure. Sometimes this pressure comes from those who call themselves friends. But a true friend won’t insist or force you to do anything you don’t want to.
    • A true friend will help you to be a better person. When we like some people’s qualities, attitudes, or gestures, we tend to imitate them. Normally, we like good qualities and when we imitate them we become someone better. A good friend will have good qualities and therefore help you to be someone better.

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    • A true friend will always be by your side. It doesn’t matter how many storms plague your life, nor how many mistakes you make. A true friend will always be by your side.  Some will say in words that they love you and will always be around, but a true friend will demonstrate it with actions.

      A true friend will always help your child to be someone better and will give him strength to achieve his goals and dreams. Teach your child that in a friendship, superficiality doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether someone is handsome or ugly, fat or thin, tall or short, young or old. What will matter when choosing a good friend is the inside: the good qualities and the feelings.

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