The Benefits Of Being Part Of A Mothers’ Group – I’m A Mom

Mothers have thousands of things in common! Being part of such a group is not only beneficial for them, but also for the babies. Learn more below.
The benefits of being part of a mothers group

Being a mother is an amazing experience, but for some of them, like first-time mothers, it can also be a delicate time. Even with family or friends, it is often necessary to have someone who has gone through the same experience to help you express your doubts and insecurities. A group of mothers can help to live motherhood in a more peaceful way.

We must be aware that people from our usual social environment often cannot or do not know how to answer our questions, even if they want to help and support us. Don’t forget that it’s the mothers who know better than anyone what their children’s needs are, but sometimes we feel lonely.

Feeling that we are not alone helps many mothers to live their motherhood more peacefully. Relying on other mothers who have already gone through or are going through the same situation can be a great support in delicate moments.

Having a group of mothers

Mothers’ groups give other mothers the opportunity to meet women who are going through the same situation or facing the same problems. In these groups of mothers, they can talk about their doubts about topics such as breastfeeding, raising, postpartum depression, infantile colic, pain caused by the first teeth, sleeping in the same bed… Always remembering that in case of doubt or medical emergency, we should take our children to the pediatrician.

Nowadays, there are many groups of mothers that sometimes arise spontaneously or are formed by mothers who met at the hospital or in the pediatrician’s office. They can meet in cafes, parks, leisure centers…

Furthermore, new technologies can help us find groups of mothers that we can contact at any time. There are different groups of mothers on the internet, on Facebook, and you can even create a new one, through WhatsApp, for example, formed by the mothers you met at the hospital.

Among its benefits, you can share experiences about motherhood with other women, ask questions, get to know different views on the same subject, understand that other women face the same problems or create a support network among all mothers.

Among the problems you may encounter, it may be that some mothers give advice that is not in line with your way of living motherhood, or you may have to deal with conflicts between mothers who have different opinions. Each one, as a mother and as a free person, can choose to participate or not.

For this reason, we recommend that you use these groups as long as they are beneficial to you. The moment a group of mothers overwhelms or does not help, it no longer makes sense to keep in touch and you should consider moving away. The goal is to find a help and support group, not a problem anymore.

Breastfeeding support groups

Also very beneficial are the numerous breastfeeding support groups that have been created in many cities. Aware that breast milk is the best food that can be offered to the newborn, more than 90% of pregnant women want to breastfeed their children at least during maternity leave.

mother breastfeeding her child

But fears, doubts and insecurities often arise. In addition, there are mothers with additional problems, such as breastfeeding twins or premature infants with respiratory problems.

In many cities, breastfeeding groups have been created that are made up of women, the vast majority of them mothers, interested in helping other mothers to breastfeed their babies. Breastfeeding consultants are usually women who are prepared, trained and qualified in the subject.

Questions about breastfeeding are usually discussed, such as issues related to postures, feedings, quantities, breastfeeding on demand… Groups can also help to solve problems that arise such as cracks, mastitis, the best way to use the breast pump, breastfeeding in the case of premature babies…

Don’t think twice: mothers’ groups are beneficial when it comes to raising our children. Be sure to join such a group soon, whether it’s in your city or the many groups you can find online.

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