Tips For Parents To Raise Independent And Responsible Children

Tips for Parents to Raise Independent and Responsible Children

Is it your dream to raise independent and responsible children? Science gives a lot of amazing advice for parents who want to raise successful children. In this I’m Mommy article  we’ll share the most important advice.

Raising independent children is one of the greatest concerns for parents. All parents want their children to be able to express themselves. Communication is essential for children: being able to say what they like and dislike, what they need, what they dream about, what they aspire to, what hurts, if they are hungry, cold, etc…

All this, of course, being true to yourself. Without harming anyone and without depending on anyone. Certainly, at first glance it may seem difficult to raise a child to act independently and responsibly from an early age without negatively affecting his personality.

The Business Insider website has compiled several scientific studies on this subject. The article published on this site presents several practices that parents can adapt to the family’s daily life. In this way, such practices can quickly become a habit, and later a lifestyle.

Let’s see below what they are.

Father hugging daughter, affection creates independent children

5 Practices for Raising Independent and Responsible Children

1. Show your kids that you trust them completely

Believe in your abilities and aptitudes. If they already trust themselves, great, just encourage them. Don’t dampen your enthusiasm or encourage your fears and uncertainties. Let them fly, going their own way without fear of making mistakes.

Teach your children to have a positive mind and to think how good it is to try new things and learn. Show them that you are always willing to offer help. Encourage them when they get discouraged and celebrate their victories.

2. Teach by example every day

Example is the best way to educate and raise children. If you want to have independent, respectful, and polite children, show them how it’s done through action.

Remember that the child is like a sponge that absorbs all kinds of information. She will automatically repeat what she sees and what she hears from her parents every day.

3. Encourage your child to stay away from their comfort zone

Demand a little more than he can give you, but don’t overdo it. Encourage your child to try, to accept each challenge to avoid becoming stagnant. Of course, in this case, recognition for each attempt and praise for each achievement achieved cannot be lacking.

4. Encourage your social skills

This is valuable advice for parents. There is a direct relationship between a child’s social ability and success in adult life.

According to science, children who cooperate with their peers, understand their feelings and solve problems on their own, are more likely to complete higher education and find a steady job.

independent children

5. Relax and enjoy!

Let go of stress and anger. Some studies say that when parents are always stressed, children also end up adopting this feeling, influencing their behavior. That’s why there’s nothing better than staying calm, training patience, and putting tolerance into practice.

Take a deep breath and count to ten. Always try to see the positive side of things and take advantage that the little ones have a lot of light to spread.

3 tips for parents that can be applied in education

Life is made up of obligations and responsibilities

It is essential to teach children from an early age that life is made up of action and reaction, high doses of sacrifice, effort and personal work.

Give your children obligations and responsibilities at home that are appropriate for their ages. Don’t give in or take away their obligations as this represents learning about collaboration and teamwork.

I am responsible for my actions and actions

Another piece of advice for parents is to help their children understand that it is not wrong to make mistakes as it is part of life. It is precisely because of mistakes that, sooner or later, a child will be able to learn, mature and grow. Therefore, everyone, even the youngest children, must take responsibility for their actions. Thus, the child will try to do things in the best way from an early age.

Father with son on the couch, affection to raise independent children

the power of perseverance

According to research, the “grit” is a powerful personality trait that drives success. It is about “the power of passion and perseverance”. It is also defined as a certain “tendency to maintain interest and effort towards very long-term goals”. Teach your child to imagine and commit to this future he wants to create.

And of course, as with everything related to raising and educating your child, you need to consider the stage of growth and development your child is at. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the tips we offer to each one’s age. This is the way to raise independent children. And don’t forget that the ultimate goal is for them to be able to have fun while learning all of this.

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