Tips For Removing Stains From Children’s Clothes

Children’s clothes, as well as those of adults, need to be sanitized and, generally, mothers are responsible for washing.
Tips for removing stains from children's clothes

To alleviate the headache caused when washing children’s clothes, in this publication, we offer some simple and effective tips that will help you a lot when removing stains from children’s clothes. Don’t forget to put them into practice.

Children’s clothes are usually very dirty, regardless of whether they are babies and eat porridge or if they are older and are learning to eat alone. Check out our tips!

Tips for removing grease stains

Grease stains are not removed with soap or detergent. You can scrub clothes several times and they reappear as soon as the clothes dry.

remove stains

Tip 1

If you want to remove the grease stains from your child’s clothes, we recommend, before washing them, to pour a little talcum powder into the oil stain area.

After doing this, let the talc absorb the fat on its own. It is likely that after a few minutes you will need to apply a little more talc.

Leave the clothes to rest for a few hours. Then rinse with soap and water and rub the stain well. Extend it to the sun. When you take it off the clothesline, you’ll notice that the stain is gone.

To speed up and make the process more effective, when throwing talcum powder, iron it with a hot iron. Return to the powder and iron again. And then, you can wash it as indicated.

Tip 2

Another homemade technique to remove oil stains is to apply a little salt on the fat slice and let the clothes rest for a few hours. After resting, you should wash it with a detergent and scrub the stain area well.

If you put it in the sun, when it’s dry, you’ll be able to see if the stain has disappeared. Otherwise, it is necessary to repeat the process.

Tip 3

Finally, we recommend applying lemon juice with baking soda to the grease stains and allowing the mixture to act for a few seconds. After this process, wash with detergent and let it dry in the sun.

Tips for Removing Vomiting and Food Stains

Stains caused by a baby’s vomit or food spilled while feeding are often difficult to get rid of. Especially when we can’t wash them at the exact time.

If you’ve been through this, we have a tip for you to make them disappear.

Soak the stain in hydrogen peroxide and detergent. Let stand for an hour. Then rub it insistently and rinse. If it has not disappeared, apply detergent and hydrogen peroxide again and let it stand for another hour.

Then you should wash it and lay it out in the intense sun for the heat to do its job. With that, the stain should disappear completely.

Tips for removing ink and glue stains

remove stains

If your child goes to day care or school, he or she will likely come home each time with clothes stained with paint or glue.

As a whole day will have passed after the “incident”, it will be much more difficult to remove the stains these substances leave on fabrics.

Difficult yes, but not impossible. For this, we bring two tips.

Tip 1

Pour some nail polish remover onto the stain and rub it in hard. Add soap and water and wash thoroughly. You will likely notice that the stain will lighten.

To continue the process, run the nail polish remover again, rub the clothes and then add soap and water. Repeat this process as many times as necessary until the stain completely disappears.

As always, lay out your clothes in the intense sun.

Tip 2

Another option is to dip the stain in gasoline, rub it and wash it thoroughly with detergent and water. Just like you did with the nail polish remover.

If necessary, add a little more gasoline, rub and wash again with water and detergent. Repeat as many times as necessary.

The difference between nail polish remover and clothes that are put on gasoline is that they usually have a certain odor after washing.

Therefore, if you use this product, we recommend that after removing the stain, leave the clothes submerged in plenty of water and detergent for a few hours so that the smell disappears.

In fact, wash it several times before your child uses it again.

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