What Are The Changes In The Navel During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through different types of changes, outside and inside. Some of them are psychic, others chemical or hormonal. During pregnancy, the navel is no exception.
What are the changes in the navel during pregnancy?

Many women are surprised by navel changes during pregnancy. They can appear bulky, bulging or otherwise flat. It’s even likely to give the impression that they’ve turned inside out. Next, find out what changes in the belly button during pregnancy.

The function of the navel during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the navel plays a very important role for the baby. It is through the umbilical cord that the baby connects with the mother.

It is responsible for providing all the nutrients, blood and oxygen to the baby. In other words, it provides everything your baby needs to grow in the womb.

Navel Changes During Pregnancy

During pregnancy certain changes occur in a woman’s body. One is that the increase in the size of the uterus puts pressure on the center of the body. This causes some women, more than others, to undergo changes in the navel.

Among the most common transformations, we can mention:

  • Flattening the navel. As the months go by, the skin stretches. This results in the stretching of the navel, which gives the impression that it shrinks or disappears.
  • Navel protruding. Between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, more or less after week 28, an inversion or deviation of the navel occurs. It’s a painless phenomenon that causes the navel to pop out, like a button.
  • Emergence of a dark line. This vertical line, also called the alba line, runs from the navel to the pubis. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause it to darken. It usually disappears little by little after giving birth.

Pregnancy brings many changes and the navel is one of them

Period when the navel returns to its place

If your belly button comes out before or after the date indicated above, it shouldn’t be a reason for you to worry. This is because the navel can sprout earlier in women with sagging tissue. In others, with tougher and thicker skin, this change may go unnoticed.

Although during pregnancy the navel loses its original appearance, after childbirth it returns to the position it was in before. The uterus begins to settle and return to its size. And in the same way, you will also gradually regain your weight.

Complications that usually occur

Due to the excessive depletion of the abdominal muscle, there is the possibility of  causing an umbilical hernia. The most common symptoms that present themselves are:

  • Tenderness or pain in the abdomen.
  • presence of lump
  • vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Fever
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal system, such as constipation.
  • infections
  • Dermatitis in the umbilical skin.

Why does the navel hurt?

Some pregnant women feel pain in the navel and around it just by touching. This pain is related to the fact that the belly has grown rapidly. This rapid stretching of the skin did not allow her to adapt to the change in time.

To relieve pain, use a brace for pregnant women. Also, you can put on underwear that covers your navel so that your body adapts to its new state. During this period, the body gradually gains weight.

Because it’s a very sensitive area, the pain can be terrible. You will likely have to wear loose clothing or leave your belly button exposed to avoid friction that irritates this area.

The navel during pregnancy can be the source of various discomforts and concerns for a woman.

Recommendations you can follow

There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent your belly button from popping out. However, you can review the following tips that are easy to follow:

  • If after pregnancy your belly button is very bulging and does not regain its original appearance, it is possible to have surgery to correct it. The navel is reconstructed with a small intervention, eliminating excess skin.
  • During belly bulge, it is recommended to use a lot of body cream to keep the skin around the belly button moisturized.
  • Maintain proper hygiene using neutral soaps, no fragrance and no irritating chemicals. Also, if you have questions, consult a dermatology specialist.

    Although some changes will take you by surprise, there’s no need to worry because it’s natural. Your uterus and abdominal muscles will return to their normal state.

    After giving birth, all changes in the navel during pregnancy will disappear. So if it happens to you, don’t worry about that detail.

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