What If My Child Drinks Bleach?

What to do if my child drinks bleach?

What to do if my child drinks bleach? Run to the doctor, of course. But first, some maneuvers can save his life. In this article we will talk more about this subject.

My son drink bleach! An accident that can be avoided

There is a saying: “an accident can always be avoided”.

While not all accidents are preventable, some like the one we’ve covered now can and should be avoided.

It is no secret that a child walks around the house exploring the world around him.

Every corner, hole, closet…she finds it interesting, especially if inside them is the unknown.

A child likes to discover what he doesn’t know, touch what he has never touched, see what daddy’s pen is doing forgotten under a piece of furniture, or the bright and colorful bathroom doorknob that the mother uses and where she keeps things.

What to do if my child drinks bleach?

One of the most frequent causes of poisoning during childhood is poisoning from ingesting cleaning products. Poisons that we use at home, and that are often within reach of children.

However, if your child drank bleach you and your family are the only ones to blame. As harsh as this may sound, you should know that no child drinks anything that is not within reach.

That’s why with the arrival of a baby in the household, you must not only take steps to ensure a place to sleep, clothes to wear, food, medicine, diapers, etc… It’s important that you also change:

– First: your life habits

– Second: the organization within the home

If, for example, the grandfather likes to smoke while watching television, with the arrival of the baby he should smoke in the service area where smoking does not harm the health of the new family member.

Or if no one thinks it’s bad to leave dishes with leftovers on the living room table after watching a movie, with the baby’s birth, until he starts to crawl and walk, this must be one of the habits that will need to be changed.

How should I act if my child drinks bleach?

If you ever find yourself in this difficult situation of reproaching or suspecting that your child has been drinking bleach, you must know how to provide first aid that can mean the difference between life and death.

If my child drinks bleach! What are the Symptoms of Intoxication?

One of the things you should learn as a parent is to know how to identify the symptoms of poisoning from poisonous products that can help you know if your child has been drinking bleach. Among the most common symptoms are:

– Vomiting

– Irritations on the outside of the mouth, tongue, gums and throat

– Buccal swelling

– Difficulty in swallowing and breathing

– Excessive drooling

– Skin burns

Of course, this adds up to your child’s distressed crying.

What to do if my child drinks bleach?

. Do not give anything to eat or drink.

. Do not force vomiting. If your child hasn’t vomited you shouldn’t force him. Contrary to what many mothers think, the venous fluid is better not back in the esophagus, throat or mouth. If it returns, the damage to the Digestive System may worsen.

. Run as soon as possible to the nearest health post. 

. Take the liquid and the container from which your child drank with you.

. Whenever possible, inform the doctor of the approximate amount of bleach ingested.

. Measure the time elapsed since drinking the drink.

. Keep calm. Even though it’s difficult, it will help you think clearly, stick to the measures outlined above, and avoid certain mistakes that mothers often make desperately trying to save their child.

Security measures to be taken at home

Your child will not be able to tell you how much or which bottle he drank, or how long it has been since it happened, so it  is your responsibility to pay attention and take all safety measures that will avoid fatal consequences.

. Store the bleach in a high place where it cannot reach.

. Hide it inside lockers with doors, and locked with a key.

. Keep the bleach in its container to avoid getting confused and leave another container within reach of the child

. Every time you use it,  leave the bleach covered so that if the child ever catches it, they won’t be able to open it.

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