What If My Child Swallows An Object?

Swallowing an object is a relatively trivial incident in children. You don’t need to panic; it is only necessary to act quickly in exceptionally important cases that require medical assistance.
What to do if my child swallows an object?

If your child swallows an object, the first thing to do is stay calm and take a hard look at what happened so you know exactly what was swallowed.

In most cases, you don’t have to worry too much. If there are no negative symptoms, the child will not need urgent medical attention. Usually, the foreign body will be expelled naturally after 24-48 hours or a maximum of 5 days.

In some cases, you will need to take the child to the hospital for an x-ray that will allow you to locate the object inside the body and control the situation. It all depends on the size and shape of the object, as well as the child’s age.

It should be considered that only foreign bodies located in the esophagus, as well as those with a volume incompatible with transit through the digestive tract, will be extracted through endoscopy.

If there are no negative symptoms, there is usually no medical emergency. However, when in doubt it is better to consult a professional. On the other hand, if toxic objects are ingested, it is essential to consult a doctor quickly to avoid any complications.

What should I do if my child swallows an object?

In cases where the child is unable to speak or has difficulty breathing, it is necessary that you apply the following tips:

  • Stand behind her and put your arms across her chest.
  • Tilt the child forward at waist height until the upper airway reaches a position parallel to the floor.
  • With the other hand, give five firm taps between the shoulder blades.
  • If the object has not come out, form a fist with one hand and place it just above the child’s navel. Rest your other hand on your wrist and press 5 times in and above your abdomen.
  • Repeat the procedure until the object comes out or the child starts breathing or coughing.
  • If she loses consciousness, seek emergency medical help.
  • Practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation if you know how to do it.
  • If the child can talk, reassure him and ask what he swallowed.

What to do if my child swallows an object?

What should I not do if my child swallows an object?

  • Don’t panic : you must remain calm, despite the anguish and anxiety, so you don’t make your child nervous and can act correctly.
  • Don’t try to extract it with dangerous maneuvers: these actions usually don’t work.
  • Don’t try to force him to vomit: you expose the child to inhaling gastric contents.
  • Do not slap the back or liquids: these actions can move the ingested element and turn the partial obstruction into a total obstruction.

In which cases should I go to the hospital if my child swallows an object?

You must remain alert if your child swallows an object, as the following cases will require medical attention:

  • Pain in throat and neck.
  • If the child coughs and is breathing with difficulty, as the object may become lodged in the respiratory tract.
  • If you vomit and have an upset stomach.
  • Cannot swallow saliva.
  • The ingested object is a battery, a magnet, or something sharp.
  • Get pale or bluish skin.
  • Have symptoms of suffocation.

How can I prevent my child from swallowing an object?

  • Don’t let him play with objects that are too small.
  • Supervise the child during meals and cut the food into small pieces.
  • Introduce solid foods into your diet.
  • Teach him to eat calmly, not talk with his mouth full, and chew well.

What to do if my child swallows an object?

  • Prevent children from walking, running or playing with food or toys in their mouths.
  • Children under 4 years old should not eat foods that cannot be easily digested, such as candy, popcorn or whole nuts.
  • You must not feed the child when he is crying.
  • Pay attention to whether your child plays with toys that are ideal for their age and that do not contain small pieces.

In general, you should be aware that most swallowed objects will pass in the stool within a day or two. Therefore, it will be sufficient to observe the stool for a few days to see if you have been expelled, although expulsion can sometimes take up to three weeks.

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