What Is A Visual Calendar With Pictograms?

Do you know what visual calendars with pictograms are and how they can be used? Find out here!
What is a visual calendar with pictograms?

The visual diary with pictograms is a very useful tool for children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Do you know how to use this type of calendar? We will explain to you below.

But first, you should know that the  TEA is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized primarily by the manifestation of difficulties in two areas: communication and social interaction and flexibility of thought and behavior.

Furthermore, in many cases,  a significant alteration in language development can also be observed. Thus, with these children, it is more interesting to use pictograms as a communication system.

What is a visual calendar with pictograms?

The visual calendar with pictograms is a kind of notebook in which there is space to place certain images or illustrations that represent, in a simple and clear way, objects, people, actions, feelings, situations, etc.

visual calendar with pictograms

These pictograms can be extracted from the Portal Aragonés de Sistemas Augmentatives y Alternativos de Comunicación (ARASAAC) website, under the Catalogs tab. This site has a plethora of graphic resources of this type. In addition, it is also possible to use photos that are familiar and familiar to the child  (photos of relatives, teachers, personal belongings, etc.).

The purpose of the visual agenda is to visually anticipate the activities that will be performed during a specific time.

This is ideal for many children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder because,  due to their mental rigidity, they often need anticipation and planning to better understand what is going on around them.

Thus, these agendas can be used in various child-related contexts, such as:

  • At home : to anticipate all the tasks that must be performed during the daily routine (taking a shower, having breakfast, brushing teeth, going to school, etc.).
  • At school : to anticipate the activities that will take place during the school day.
  • In therapy : to anticipate what will be done and the aspects that will be worked on in the session.

Procedure for its use

To use the visual calendar with pictograms correctly, it is necessary to go through the following steps:

  1. Take a few minutes to use the diary  at the start of the day, class or session, depending on the context in which it will be used.
  2. As a mother, father, teacher or therapist,  choose, together with the child, the pictograms that will represent the activities that will be carried out  during the day at home, the class day or the session.
  3. Put the pictograms on the agenda.
  4. Read the pictograms aloud  so that the child is well informed about the order of activities that will be carried out.

This way, the little one can structure the information in their mind and feel secure about what will happen in each moment. For children who have ASD, this is very positive for their peace of mind and their good functioning. Do you want to see some examples to learn how to design this type of agenda? So click here.

Other uses of visual calendars with pictograms

Visual calendars with pictograms can also be used for other purposes, such as:

  • Put the date and weather.
  • Represent important events that will take place on that day (birthdays, holidays, etc.).
  • Allow the child to transmit and express their emotions and feelings  at a certain time of day.
  • Anticipate what will be done throughout the week.
  • Anticipate the dishes that will be served each day, both at lunchtime, snacks or dinner.
  • Represent the school materials that the child should put in the backpack, according to the subjects established in each day’s schedule.

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