What Is Allotriophagy?

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you should know about allotriophagy: why it happens, how to treat it, and other aspects of interest to you.
What is allotriophagy?

It is possible that, at some point, we may find our children eating, licking or biting things they shouldn’t. A piece of plasticine, paint, glue, crayons, clay, etc. This type of behavior is known as: allotriophagy.

It is an eating behavior disorder. In other words, the child suddenly feels a need to eat substances that are not part of any food group and that can even be harmful to health. It is worth noting that this need is almost uncontrollable.

It is considered normal for a child to put non-food substances in the mouth until approximately 18 or 24 months of age. But if the behavior persists, it can already be considered a disorder. Which is why it’s important to stay tuned.

What does allotriophagy indicate?

Allotriophagy reflects an insufficiency. Whether organic (deficit of nutrients) or psychological (mental disorders, intellectual disability, among others). This means that, depending on the case, the disorder will manifest itself for one reason or another. It is very important to identify the cause with a healthcare professional so that proper treatment can be applied.

A child or an adult person suffering from this disorder can eat dirt, chalk, paper, smell enamel and even eat charcoal or feces (animal or human) indiscriminately.

history of the disorder

Allotriophagy is also called “pica”, a name that refers to a bird, specifically the urraca . This bird has a very strange behavior in relation to its eating habits. 

the allophagy

However, this bird was also used by various civilizations as part of rituals and healing formulas. For example, eating clay clay is considered a healing act. It is not scientifically proven and nutritionally is not acceptable.

Incidence of this disorder

Defining for sure whether this illogical practice continues to exist is difficult to predict, as many people are unwilling to admit that they suffer from this disorder.

But knowing what allophagy is allows us to understand why many people feel ashamed about it. They know that this is something completely out of the ordinary and, even, many people are aware of how this act is harmful to health, but they can’t help it.

If our children suffer from this disorder, it is very important to take the necessary steps to prevent this habit from continuing.

If the child is old enough to understand the reasons, it is very important to talk to them. Explain why it is bad to eat these substances that are not food and all that this action entails. That way, she can better understand the problem and why it would be very positive to hear this advice from Mom or Dad.

Risk factors for allotriophagy

Now that we know what allophagia is, we can understand that if the family environment is somehow confused and hostile, the chances of suffering from this type of disorder are greater.

In addition, there are factors that can influence a family member to develop this behavior, such as:

  • Addictions to harmful, toxic or illegal substances.
  • Bad influences in the social environment.
  • Bad eating habits at home.
  • Lack of affection.
  • Intellectual disability.
  • Lack of attention.

the allophagy

Causes of allotriophagy

  • Nutritional factor. From this perspective, it is believed that the appearance of this disorder occurs due to a deficiency of some mineral in the body, such as iron and zinc. Allotriophagy is a way of compensating for this deficiency, usually through the ingestion of soil.
  • Sensory factor. It is said that the person suffering from this disorder likes the taste, texture and smell of the substance that they ingest in an irrational and exaggerated way.
  • Psychosocial factor. The disorder is associated with a greater or lesser degree of anxiety problems.

    Treatment for this type of problem may include the use of drugs if the doctor considers it appropriate. On the other hand, it will also be necessary to maintain a constant psychological therapy and to apply the professional’s advice in an adequate and coherent way. The important thing is to seek the patient’s improvement in order to ensure good health.

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