What Is The Calm Pot?

Throughout their development, children experience different emotions, both positive and negative. Negative emotions must be controlled through highly effective educational methods and one of them is the calm pot.
What is the Calm Pot?

It is very helpful for parents to know what the calm pot is all about. They can use this method as a support tool in situations where their children have to channel moments of anxiety and irritability.

Children learn more by example than by words, whether from their parents or other caregivers.

They imitate their parents’ optimism, good humor and joy. Therefore, those who gave you life cannot demand anything that they themselves cannot demonstrate.

As the child grows, he will express more of his joys or bitterness. Parents will be the guides to make their children’s development more enjoyable.

The child lives life exercising his own sovereignty. She is innocent by nature and incapable of doing harm on purpose.

However, if they still end up having a tantrum, don’t worry.

There are educational methods and tools that are helpful in helping to channel the negative emotions that may arise at these times.

After all, what is the calm pot?

The calm pot is an educational method and is basically a transparent container with a lid.

The contents of the pot consist of: light colored non-toxic dye, white glue, water and glitter.

This object was created to help children release negative emotions such as stress, anger, crying, among others.

It is a very effective method and you can see excellent results in a short time.

Many parents use the calm pot method to help their child control certain emotions.

In addition to helping to calm down, it contributes to concentration. Sometimes children don’t know how to handle negative emotions.

For this reason, it is necessary to educate minute by minute in a natural way, without the need to punish or repress.

calm pot

When parents understand the use of the calm pot, they know they can count on this ally.

After all, it can be used any time a child is about to make a fuss or express emotions in a negative way.

For this method to work, the child must have the pot of calm always within reach.

Thus, she may agitate when she gets angry or feels impatient. Of course, the pot must be made of plastic and not glass in order to avoid any incident.

Calm Pot Benefits

When children experience states of restlessness, anger and stress, they express it through crying and, consequently, the whole body is out of balance.

Her breathing and heart rate accelerate, her blood vessels dilate, and she begins to sweat. At this stage, concentration is completely lost.

The calm pot works like this: the child shakes the calm pot and, after stopping, he should watch the glow slowly fall.

With this image, your brain sends signals to slow down any state of acceleration throughout your body. Then the whole body will relax.

In addition to knowing what the calm pot is all about, parents need to understand that each child has a different personality.

Therefore, the answer to this method can vary greatly from one child to another.

However, it must be remembered that not all children will accept the method. The calm pot works best for children between 2 and 6 years old.

calm pot

Steps to make the pot of calm at home

Here are some helpful suggestions for preparing this tool:

  • The size of the pot should vary according to the size of the child.
  • It is recommended to use a clear plastic container. Add clean water to complete 1/8 of it.
  • Then add three tablespoons of white glue. The glue’s function is to make the mixture denser and, consequently, the shine will take longer to go down. This will make it more relaxing.
  • Then add a light colored non-toxic dye to this mixture, just three or four drops are enough. Mix well until everything is uniform.
  • Add two teaspoons of glitter or glitter. The color of the diamonds should be similar to the color of the dye.
  • Add a little more water if you feel it is necessary.
  • Close the pot very well. Remember that the child will be using the calm pot as a shaking, so it is best to avoid the risk of spilling the mixture.

As you have seen, making the calm pot at home is very simple. 

It is convenient to leave it in a visible and accessible place in the house. That way the child can pick it up and use it at the right time.

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