What Is The Influence Of Complexes In Childhood? Learn To Fight Them

Childhood complexes are very common. During the first years of life, the personality is defined, so that the comments of other people can affect the child’s emotional development.
What is the influence of complexes in childhood?  learn to fight them

To develop emotionally, a child needs to feel respected and loved. Not just by parents, but also by other family members and friends. If she cannot perceive this love, she runs the risk of facing complexes in childhood.

In the field of psychology, the word ‘complex’ refers to one’s beliefs and feelings. They often influence behavior patterns unconsciously. In most cases, they develop from childhood experiences.

The way to think, act and develop in life is something determined during the first years of life. Thus,  when interacting with other people, the child begins to face new challenges, such as taking on school responsibilities or meeting children with different personalities.

This also includes receiving criticism or mockery, which causes a lot of pressure. Such situations contribute to the development of complex childhood with  which the child may need to handle the rest of your life.

The most common complexes in childhood

A very important task is to identify if your child has any complexes,  because they appear very early. If the child does not manage to overcome them in time, it is possible that they will mark his personality.

superiority complex

It can be seen when the child feels better than others, including parents and other adults. Her behavior is despotic as she believes she has authority and power over the people around her. Also, she is selfish and wants to have everything to herself without worrying about others.

A child with this complex conveys a sense of self-confidence that is totally false . The superiority complex is based on insecurity. However, the child tries to hide his uncertainties by showing himself as someone who is self-sufficient.

Inferiority complex

It is related to the previous point. When feeling insecure, the child  starts to think that others are better than him in everything  and that he is little or not at all loved. The child believes he has no value, nor that he is worthy of being respected.

the complexes in childhood

This complex often develops when parents, teachers, and other older people make comparisons. Although they have no bad intentions, they make the child feel denigrated. In this way, she gradually forms a negative opinion of herself.

Physical complexes

Its origin is based on a disagreement with some characteristic or physical disability. Upon realizing that it is different, the child begins to feel bad. For example, very large ears, having a vision problem or poorly aligned teeth, among other peculiarities.

The problem is accentuated when other children make fun of your appearance. This creates greater discomfort for the child. This is one of the most common complexes in childhood.

Feeling slighted complex

This is often the case with children who have many siblings, usually with the youngest child. Feeling slighted,  the child has the desire to show that he is someone.

It was observed that the younger ones have more achievements in life than the older brothers. One explanation may be that, as he does not receive care during childhood, his main objective becomes the approval of parents and siblings, striving to obtain it.

narcissistic complex

It usually happens with only children, as they receive excessive care from their parents and are always placed above all else. In this way,  the child considers that he must be idolized, that everything he asks for must be granted. Furthermore, she also thinks the world revolves around her.

By presenting this complex, she  is not able to overcome self-centeredness, a common behavior in babies. As a result, as he grows up, narcissistic characteristics are consolidated in his personality.

How to remove complexes in childhood?

Childhood is the happiest time in life, full of happiness and carefree. However, childhood complexes cause several problems.

Therefore, you must educate your children from an early age. It is necessary to teach them to have personal criteria and to understand that they should not be affected by everything they are told. It is also good that they learn to be self-confident.

In this way, the complexes in childhood will be removed. As a result, the child  may come to terms with his faults, as well as overcome other people’s rejections.

Ways to fight childhood complexes

In order for the complexes not to influence the personality, it  is necessary to promote the children’s self-esteem. Here are some ways to do this:

Create a close bond with the child

For the child to have good self-esteem,  you must provide security, encouragement and encouragement. This way, your children will feel emotionally supported and this will allow them to face any challenge.

Comfort them and promote their skills

If complexes appear,  you should be by your child’s side, understanding their pain and comforting them. Maybe in your childhood you felt the same, so show empathy. You are the person best able to give your child good advice.

the complexes in childhood

Educate through good examples

You should  avoid being critical, demanding or irritating to your child. Phrases like: “You are useless”, “You are a complete disaster” or “You don’t do things right” only generate complexes in the little one.

On the contrary,  you must motivate him with rewardsbut not of a material nature, but emotional. For example, if he behaves well, spend time playing whatever he wants.

In summary, you need to pay close attention to your child’s behavior. Also, being aware of his words can help you know what he thinks of himself. That way you can help him overcome childhood complexes.

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