What Should I Take To The Hospital In Preparation For Delivery?

What should I take to the hospital in preparation for the birth?

As the expected date of delivery approaches, it  is time to prepare the suitcase that will accompany Mom to the hospital.  Not knowing for sure when the big day will be, it’s best to have everything prepared in advance. However, what to take to the hospital in the moments before delivery? Here’s a list of the things you can’t miss.

The eighth month of pregnancy is a good time to start packing for delivery. Getting started early enough to organize and buy what you need makes this a smoother task. On the other hand, it may be that the baby’s arrival may be a few days ahead, so it is better to be careful and organize in time everything that will have to be taken to the hospital for the delivery.

What should I take to the hospital?

In a normal, uncomplicated delivery, the hospital stay lasts between 2 and 4  days . If the birth is via cesarean, the hospital stay will then be for five days. Based on this reference, you should prepare your suitcase. Some of the things you can’t forget are:

  • Necessaire and hygiene objects  personal. Shampoo, soap, some moisturizing cream, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, hairbrush. Also, incorporate some tocological pads, which are bigger and more absorbent.
  • It’s no big deal to take  some makeup products and a small mirror, so you can feel pretty and be tidy if you have guests in the room.
  • Clothing for the maternity period:  one or two nightgowns that are comfortable for breastfeeding, as far as possible open in the front. Also slippers, gown and socks. Don’t forget something to hold your hair and some cologne.
  • To get out of maternity, loose clothing and comfortable shoes . Ideally, set aside a change of clothing that you have worn in the third or fourth month of pregnancy. Your body will take some time to recover.
  • Underwear,  two or three comfortable changes. You can also opt for the disposable panties that are sold in pharmacies. Don’t forget at least two nursing bras.

It is necessary to know that we must take the hospital for the delivery.

  • Protective pillows for the breasts,  which absorb the flowing milk.
  • Objects that help to relax and clarify ideas a little. Even though it seems impossible, there may be a waiting time, especially if labor is induced. And the best thing is to have something to distract yourself. An inspiring book, music or a notebook where you can write. Anyway, it will depend on each woman’s personal taste.

what to bring for the baby

  • Pajamas: three or four that are long-sleeved. It may be better to carry two different sizes, although you know approximately what weight the baby will be born at.
  • Bib  for feeding time.
  • Newborn diapers : taking two packages is enough. While motherhood usually provides, it never hurts.
  • A blanket  to hold the baby and socks and hat to keep him warm.
  • Necessary with hygiene material : that contains washcloths to change and clean the baby, a mild soap, ointment if you have irritations, a baby colony, etc.
  • Clothes for leaving the hospital : you will have to choose the ideal clothes according to the time of year.

Indispensable documents to take to the hospital

  1. Identity document.
  2. Portfolio of  health insurance or social security.
  3. Medical examinations performed  during pregnancy.
  4. Delivery plan. You may or may not have it on the day, but it will be helpful to take it with you. This plan is drawn up around the 30th week of pregnancy and is done with the help of a nurse. In it are the preferences that one has in relation to childbirth. There it is indicated whether you want a companion or not, consent to use the epidural, preferences regarding breastfeeding, etc…

It is recommendable to prepare with the time of the bag that we will take to the hospital.

Other advice

You must  separate what belongs to the mother and what belongs to the baby into different bags.  In addition to separating the documentation in a folder so that it is all together. If at the time of delivery you have to leave the house quickly, it is better to have everything arranged so that someone else can pick up things without forgetting anything.

Remember that the things you will need to take to the hospital for the birth are essential things, you  don’t need to take your entire house to the hospital, nor be nervous if you have forgotten something.  We recommend that you take your cell phone, even if you don’t have a lot of time to use it. Many people will be eager to receive a picture of the newborn and send a gift to the new parents.

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