What To Do If My Child Wakes Up During The Night?

The new member of the household brings not only great changes, but also a real challenge for their parents.
What to do if my child wakes up during the night?

“My son wakes up at night,” begins the daily lament of new mothers. It turns out that, more or less dark circles, the baby’s sleep ends up affecting the whole family.

Therefore, all newborns and young children wake up frequently to satisfy their needs during the night. However, we must clarify for all mothers that this is absolutely normal.

The main problem is that, after waking up, it’s a lot of work to get back to sleep.

It turns out that children get up every time they change their sleep cycle. This happens, no less, between five and seven times a night. What complicates the picture is certainly the difficulty or impossibility that babies have when it comes to going back to sleep.

Well, what can you do if your baby wakes up during the night? Pay attention because, in this revealing article from I’m Mommy, you’ll find the solution to your problem. You’ll find it easier than you thought.

Trick for when your baby wakes up during the night

wake up at night

Your child wakes up at night. You check his diaper, body temperature, nurse him, sing, shake and do everything you can to get him to go back to sleep. However, that never happens. You get frustrated, you don’t understand where you went wrong, and you even think of yourself as a bad mother.

You make a deep mistake. Because, usually, the fact that he refuses to rest has to do with that, when he woke up, he didn’t find the same panorama as when he went to sleep. Circumstances changed in the blink of an eye.

For example, if the baby went to sleep while nursing, he will need to nurse as soon as he wakes up. In case the light has been turned on and he finds it off when he wakes up, he’s going to be scared. These are the smallest details that undoubtedly make the difference.

Well, there are other tricks for those occasions when the baby wakes up during the night and it seems impossible to get him back to sleep. Keep in mind that the condition that most favors a baby’s adequate sleep is the feeling of security.

So, answering his cry, offering all your affection, pampering him, hugging him, caressing him and kissing him non-stop during the day is very important.

At the same time, singing, storytelling, and even making eye contact is vitally important when developing sleep habits.

How to introduce a sleep routine?

wake up at night

Does your child wake up during the night and you still haven’t established a useful and saving sleep routine? If you haven’t put it into practice yet, now is the ideal time to implement it.

As a first measure, we advise that you can use some transition or console object for better results. A bear or blanket that helps you and conveys security when you realize that the mother is not around.

A second tip is to understand and associate, both parents and children, sleep with pleasure, not punishment. It is part of our daily routine, our habits and customs.

So, in order to succeed in this endeavor, it is important to make use of external elements that the child can associate at rest time.

Practice a real ritual before going to bed. The most common and effective are: bath, history and crib. As beast as it may seem, it conveys security to the child.

This is most important when it comes to sleeping. Furthermore, it further strengthens the bond between adults and children.

In the hypothetical case that the child takes a long time to sleep, stay around and speak in a soft, relaxed tone so that he can calm down.

It is essential to be able to calm her down without having to get her out of the crib. So, the message the child receives is “I can count on my mother, but I must sleep alone” .

Never forget that crying is not always about emotional and affective needs. Sometimes children cry because they are in a bad way.

It may be that something hurts, in fact, cramps are a very common nuisance that make them go through bad times. So follow your heart and fully trust your mothering instinct.

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