What To Do When Faced With A Tick Bite?

Walks in the countryside or in the forest are always very pleasant and relaxing, but we need to be careful and be prepared for a possible tick bite. In this article, we’ll tell you what the symptoms are and what you should do when faced with this type of bite.
What to do in the face of a tick bite?

A tick bite, in most cases, will be no more severe than a redness, burning, or inflammation in the area.

However, this type of mite can sometimes transmit diseases through its bites if it remains on the skin for longer. Therefore, we should consult an expert if this happens.

What to do if a tick bites you

As we said earlier, a tick bite does not usually cause any disease, but it is true that, according to Sanitas, females may have a toxin contained in their saliva that causes so-called tick paralysis after they remain attached to the skin for several days .

sting symptoms

The symptoms that tick bites usually produce can be found below. Despite this, it is true that everything depends on each person’s organism and that one or the other symptoms may manifest themselves independently in each person:

  • Inflammation of the skin in the bite area.
  • Redness in the area.
  • Headache.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Slow coordination of movements.
  • Stains all over the body.
  • Total paralysis.
  • Fever.

How to act as soon as you feel a tick bite

If you feel the tick bite right away, you should follow a series of indications for correct extraction.

tweezer extraction

Use fine-tipped tweezers to remove it. The area where the tick should be caught is in the mouth area and as close to the person’s skin as possible. It is important not to crush the mite’s body.

The removal must be done very slowly and continuously and perpendicular to the skin. It should never be done abruptly, that is, the tick should not be twisted or crushed. Do not use products such as nail polish, petroleum jelly or any other substance for better extraction. You can make the process worse.

Use álcool antisséptico para limpar a ferida

Sometimes some part of the tick’s body may remain on the skin. If it is the area of ​​the mouth we were talking about earlier, it is advisable to advise the doctor at the appointment so that he will try to extract the remains with a small incision in the area. If it is another part of the mite, it is possible that the person’s own body eliminates it over the days.

save the tick

If you are able to save the tick, do so. Store it in an airtight container and place it in the freezer until your doctor’s appointment. This will help the doctor to identify the type of tick so that he can make a more complete diagnosis of the situation.


Once the extraction process is complete, you should:

  • Wash hands with soap and water. If you have antiseptic alcohol, use that too.
  • Wash area with soap and water to clean. Likewise, use antiseptic alcohol.
  • Keep the area constantly clean.
  • Don’t scratch yourself.
  • Use cold compresses to soothe the area.

How to avoid a tick bite

Ticks are found in grass and bush areas. So that’s why, when you take a field trip, you should wear both a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to keep them from sticking to your skin.

It is also advisable that you tuck the hem of your pants inside your socks because even if you wear long pants, if the hem is a little too wide, the tick can easily climb onto your skin. This way you will prevent it from passing into your body by closing the passage with your socks.

How to avoid a tick bite

Another tip is to use insect repellent. In fact, you should use it both on yourself and on the clothes you are going to wear, in order to make the prevention more complete. So, you should repeat this action every one or two hours to maintain the effect and thus be protected continuously.

If you have animals at home, especially dogs and cats, you should keep them free of parasites to avoid contagion, since one of the best known is the dog tick or canine tick.

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