Why Does My Baby Always Wake Up Crying?

If getting out of bed at night to help your baby who woke up crying is something customary, you must identify the causes and make corrections in time before everyone’s sleepless night brings complications to the family’s daily life.
Why does my baby always wake up crying?

There are many first-time mothers who wake up at night to attend to their restless baby. So the question arises: “Why does my baby always wake up crying?” This is very common, and there are several answers to this question.

Babies have a deep sleep state, called REM, which is short. Therefore, they spend most of their sleep time in superficial phases, called non-REM, a primitive survival mechanism in the face of any dangerous change.

Your baby’s temperament and habits can also influence the way you sleep. While the rest time of some babies becomes more predictable over time, others are not so lucky.

Although babies wake up several times because they need to feed, generally after three months of age they will be prepared to endure several hours of sleep without crying because of hunger.

If that doesn’t happen, maybe your little one is in some trouble, either in relation to the environment or because of their physical condition.

The causes why babies wake up during the night can be very varied. Parents will learn over time to recognize the needs behind their baby’s crying. However, we can learn about the most common causes for getting close to the reasons for our babies’ lack of sleep.

Why does my baby always wake up crying?

Crying is babies’ way of getting their parents’ attention. In the face of any desire or need, this is the natural reaction to get in touch with Mom or Dad and feel safe.

If the phrase “my baby always wakes up crying” sounds familiar to you, pay attention to the most common reasons for this so that you can find a practical and quick solution.

baby crying at night

The break up

Babies don’t know they are in a safe place. Waking up away from the mother’s warmth makes them on the alert and desperately seek the protection of the mother. That’s why, when for some reason they realize that they are away from their parents, they immediately wake up and cry about it.

Schedules with extended sleep periods

If children spend a lot of time sleeping during the day, they will feel less tired at night. This will keep them active when they should be more relaxed to sleep. At the end of the day, they will want to get their parents’ attention, and if they don’t, they will cry.

The baby eats every time he cries

During the day, his stomach will get used to receiving food constantly and in small portions without having a fixed time for it. That way, at night, he will cry to ask for food, as he hopes to continue with his feeding routine.

Make sure that the servings of food at the end of the day are enough so that he can rest fully without feeling hungry. Also, change the time intervals between one food intake and another little by little.

diaper change overnight

If your baby is used to changing her diaper at night at the slightest sign of dampness, then tonight will be no exception. When feeling a little uncomfortable because of this, without letting the absorbent material do its part, the child will wake up and cry so that their feeling of comfort is restored.

mother hugs baby crying

What should I do if my baby always wakes up crying?

The first thing you must remember is that if he wakes up crying, we must provide him with a peaceful environment so he can fall asleep. It is a mistake to look for toys or other objects to entertain you. At night, we should focus our efforts on correctly creating the sleep habit.

It’s important not to pick him up or play games when you see your little one smile with happiness when he realizes he’s with you, it would totally wake him up. Go slowly into the room, talk to him in a low voice, and gently pat his head. Try to relax him and help him sleep again.

After verifying that there is nothing serious behind the crying, we must leave the room. Don’t make the mistake of sleeping there or taking the baby to your bed. If by chance he starts crying again, don’t go to him right away. Wait a minute, when he understands you’re not coming back, he’ll start to drift off to sleep.

The main reason why babies always wake up crying has to do with the fact that they don’t have the right sleep habits. Therefore, you should analyze your practice around this theme and correct what is necessary so that both you and your child can have a good rest. Remember that much of your growth depends on it.

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