Why Is My Child Always Bitten By Mosquitoes?

It is not a myth that some people are more attractive to insects than others. These people are popularly said to have “sweet blood”. But, do you know why this happens?
Why is my child always bitten by mosquitoes?

You go for a walk and notice that many children play without problems, while your little one is bothered by insects. After all, why is my child always bitten by mosquitoes? Faced with this question, we offer some guidelines to help.

Mosquitoes are active insects in hot climates. For this reason, during the summer, its bites can be quite common. This becomes a concern for mothers, especially while on vacation.

Unfortunately, children are a coveted target for mosquitoes. Generally, they take advantage of the fact that people are outdoors to eat.

You may be able to observe that your child is always bitten by mosquitoes and that, on the other hand, these insects move away from other people. It’s possible that your little one is the favorite target.

It may not be just imagination. Mosquitoes can certainly have a predilection for several reasons. Then we explain which are the most common.

Why is my child always bitten by mosquitoes?

First, you must know the reasons why your little one is the favorite food of these insects. From there, take the necessary steps to reduce the chances of bites.

blood group

The blood group is one of the biggest attractions of the bites. Mosquitoes bite for food and, like you, have preferences. So, when choosing a target, they tend to sting people with type O blood.

The second option is people with blood type B. People with blood group A are bitten almost twice less than people with blood type O.

But how can mosquitoes know our blood type? Depending on our blood type, we secrete saccharides or sugars through the skin. These substances act as a chemical signal that mosquitoes are able to sense. This indicates what our blood group is.

Insect bites in children cause redness, itching and swelling.

Physical activity

Mosquitoes are often attracted to heat. When playing sports, children’s bodies give off heat. However, this is not the only element they detect during physical activity, as there is also sweating.

While playing, the little ones are impregnated with substances that are habitual for perspiration such as lactic acid, uric acid or ammonia. Mosquitoes perceive these substances from afar and are attracted to them.

It’s not just a matter of hygiene. Genetics also play an important factor. This is because it depends on the greater or lesser amount of these substances that the body expels naturally in perspiration.

skin bacteria

A large number of bacterial species normally live on our skin. Certain types, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, can attract mosquitoes.

However, bacteria not only act against us. Pseudomonas aeruginosa seems to have the opposite effect, that is, it drives away these insects.

Therefore, the attraction and repulsion interaction with the bacteria on our skin causes mosquitoes to bite more in specific areas, such as the ankles or feet, where the greatest number of germ colonies are concentrated.


Mosquitoes are not just scent-driven. Vision is also a key element in finding your goal. They detect dark colors like black, navy blue or red more easily.

Therefore, it is recommended to use light or pastel colors such as white. This not only helps to reduce the risk of stings, but also keeps the child cooler while playing outdoors. Take this into account especially in summer, at the height of heat.

If the child has been away from home for some time and when he comes back he has several swollen and red spots on different parts of his body, he has probably been bitten by an insect.

Prevention measures against mosquito bites

If your child is always bitten by mosquitoes, don’t despair. You can avoid these unwanted insects by putting some easy tips into practice:

  • Avoid dark or flashy clothing, especially black and navy blue.
  • Try to spend less time outdoors at night as this is the time with the highest number of mosquitoes.
  • Eliminate standing water deposits at home, as they encourage the proliferation of insects.
  • Use screens on doors and windows, or insect repellent ultrasound devices.

What can I do if my child is always bitten by mosquitoes?

Repellents, although they are a good option for protecting children, should be used with care. Make sure you buy suitable and reliable products.

On the other hand, there are also some natural remedies to repel mosquitoes. There are antimicrobial plants such as sage, or others that repel, such as eucalyptus and cinnamon that can be rubbed into the skin.

Another very popular plant for repelling mosquitoes is citronella. Perhaps it is the most accessible since we can find it on the market in several forms.

Our final recommendation is to always be on the  lookout for insect sting reactions to detect any signs of infection or allergy. If you notice that it swells, hurts a lot, gives off pus, or causes a fever, see your pediatrician as soon as possible.

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