You Are My Present And You Will Be My Future. Best Thing That Ever Happened In My Life

The arrival of a child makes our life start all over again. Our children are our gift and give us hope and joy.
You are my present and you will be my future.  The best thing that ever happened in my life

Our children are the best thing that has ever happened in our lives and, in turn, they draw a future we dream of all the time.

Sociologists as well as psychologists remind us of the classic problem that characterizes today’s society: our inability to be present, to enjoy the here and now.

We are so complex that we sometimes become so obsessed with the past that we even fall into depression.

We are also people who focus our lives on what is immediate, on that future that hasn’t happened yet and that forces us to be involved, trapped in the unbearable feeling of anxiety.

It is not easy to live in the here and now when what surrounds us is extremely demanding, obliges us to present concrete goals for the future or brings to light those mistakes made in the past.

Happiness is here and now. This is something that many mothers discover at the moment they give birth and many fathers when they suddenly hold that little life in their hands for the first time.

Immediately, something changes. Perhaps it is a spring that, like a music box when opened, invites us to stop what we are doing and contemplate that beauty, that perfect child that holds us to the present…

My past is important, but it doesn’t define me.

the gift

My ever-changing child, yes, defines my essence, my true self.

The mistakes, the learnings, the crooked paths we’ve chosen and our wonderful discoveries are in the past.

We people are made up of stories, little drops of nostalgia and, in certain situations, high doses of regret.

None of this should matter at all when our first child finally comes to life.

When the birth finally occurs, it immediately lessens the weight of any past mistakes, any painful relationship that ended badly, or those wrong paths we sometimes choose.

A child passes an eraser on the regrets of the past. He is the engine of happiness and the drive towards a better world.

Don’t let the weight of yesterday determine your present. In some situations, our past life, the wounds of the past associated with a difficult childhood or a nurturing based on detachment mark many fathers and mothers today.

We must “heal ourselves” as people to be good parents. This is an action that takes time and delicacy. However, it is important to carry it out.

Remember, bad mothers and fathers are the ones who project their own frustrations onto their children.

They are those fathers and mothers who are unable to let go of their past hurts. In this way, they deposit them in their children’s gifts.

We must therefore avoid these actions.

My son makes my present prettier and fills it with plans

the gift

We know that having a child and raising him is not easy.  From then on, the present becomes more complex and intense than ever.

But even so, you have the strength to breastfeed, bathe, take you to the doctor, make your child laugh…

The present is sometimes hard. But its seeds are beautiful because it makes you feel wonderful and magical things.

That is, the present is a kaleidoscope of conflicting sensations that sometimes surprise you because you often tell yourself you can’t handle it all, and when you do, when you do it all right, you feel incredibly proud .

Motherhood or fatherhood are adventures that no one believes they are prepared for.

However, each day is a new day and at each moment exceptional things are achieved that are reflected in that happy child who grows up healthy, with strength, cunning and beauty.

No fear of the future, now we are much stronger

the gift

Afraid of tomorrow? No way! Now the future is dressed in dreams, puts on the color of hope and bravely passes by. You are a much stronger person.

With the arrival of your child, you discovered that inside you there are no longer any fears or uncertainties. In your mind, there are only certainties.

Mainly, the certainty that you want to give the best to this child and the security that you will take care of him every day, fighting for your goals to offer the best for your family.

The future is not frightening because you live the present with intensity, because you weave, day by day and moment by moment, a universe of calm, affection and security around you, where you can have fun with your child and your family.

Fear does not live in corners where there is no light, nor where there is energy, strength and vitality .

In your life, there are no longer abysses of darkness. Now you are your own engine of hope and your child your everyday motivation.

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